Work dat booty! (Scion balance)
Seriously, Scion needs a gemvendorrewardremake. Shadow gets flame dash after brutus because he isn't op enough yet, right?
Why does Scion get nothing good to start with? the linear trace of ST is utter bullshit compared to fpulse for example. Also Scion is the only char that doesnt get a damage over time / degen skill or one of those "on the fly" devastators (ftotem/firestorm/firetrap/yeah i would even enjoy a simple spell totem....) Instead Scion gets 169 (yeah thats about 80% of the available gems) useless shitrewards. No Flamedash on her after Brutus. The only options are 1h melee with leap slam or playing bow... yeah wow thats so competitive. We have seen how "good" the ranger is situated and for Scion its even worse. You could at least add flamedash since currently theres no viable solution for playing a caster Scion, unless you want to go non crit ele tendrils or some other weak rubbish. Who is responsible for this "balance"? Do you guys even call it that way? Why does popular stuff get corrected and buffed while broken chars never get worked on? I guess spectral throw is the issue here, because ggg thinks its still op with all the melee weapon nerf in general... Btw: I didnt intend to sound salty but its all so unreasonable... Never in a rush - always in a mess.
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Scion gets flamedash
You can also mule firetrap "wasting" a minute of the race You can even mule flame totem But yeah, scion does suck, I agree |
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" ok the wiki was trolling me... rolling faster from brutus on now. Never in a rush - always in a mess.
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" Because no one will care if there's a patch buffing something 0.0000000001% play. Besides, it could be worse. Just look at the ranger. [quote="Hilbert"]
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels. [/quote] |
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