Ranger racing advice/builds/vods?

Hi guys,

Emberwake was my first race season and I had a ton of fun. I played mostly ranger and did OK in the races I played, but not top 20 rangers. I'd like to to better, but I'm having trouble finding anything about racing as a Ranger that isn't years old.

Can anyone point me to youtube or twitch videos of good players racing as ranger in recent seasons? After many of the races in the Emberwake season I tried finding any videos from the top Ranger players, but came up with nothing.

I am here to save you from a huge grief that will get you when you hit "the skillcap" (= 99% of the time and of the race you will do just as before, only thing that helps you improve is RNG), and say that just race casually and don't even try to get to the "competitive racing" because when you get there, it's a joke.

As for the actual ranger content, TempoTune in twitch has some videos.. I think? He mostly played Ranger and streamed more or less, cant recall how much or if he actually highlighted/saved them.
Nugiyen is one of the best Rangers, only played Ranger last season, and he streams everything. Check his Past Broadcasts for streams between July23 - Aug19 then ffwd through the vods to find races. A couple recent examples:

Event 110: 40m Descent Champions [Solo]
Event 118: 1 Hour Immolation [Party]

GreatOnePoE plays Ranger in party races, could be useful:

1 Hour Immolation [Party] (EWC068)
1 Hour Inferno [Party] (EWC088)
1 Hour Eternal Torment Race [Party] (EWC102)

GreatOnePoE also plays all Descent: Champions races as a Bow Scion afaik, so there's lots to learn there. Check his Past Broadcasts for any D:C. He trims and titles his streams so the races are easy to find.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
Last edited by unsane#5479 on Aug 28, 2015, 8:13:02 PM
Thanks, this is just what I'm looking for!
yeah thats such a thing with ranger racers, the ones that are more or less successful dont really like to share their strategies, always been like that and will stay like it too..
watching nugi's streams is prolly the best source you can get about ranger racing atm. i would only suggest to not watch descent or party races, search his streams for real 1h solo or sig races as especially descent are too different from the normal races (crafting, stash, provision chests etc). this will teach you the theory and another players playstyle, but its also important to practice practice practice and find your own playstyle with which you feel comfortable.

and dont get turned down by those naysayers that only tell you that you'll never be successful or competitive, that you'll never win a race, that racing is pointless... as long as youre having fun...

enjoy and gl.
Last edited by rushjo#0936 on Aug 31, 2015, 7:31:02 AM

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