Bloodgrip, Event 4: 90 Minute Solo

To see your points in the current season (and its prizes), go to this page.

You are also able to view your season and events history on your profile page, under the Seasons & Events section.

Standard rules for league events apply. Please click this link if this is your first race event.
A guide has been posted here which covers general aspects and strategies of racing.

Top Prizes:

The overall alive top player by experience will receive 3 Reward Points.

The top 20 alive players of each class by experience will receive:
  • #1 player of each class: Demigod's Beacon (Unique Golden Flame) and 10 Reward Points.
  • #2 player of each class: 6 Reward Points.
  • #3 player of each class: 5 Reward Points.
  • #4 player of each class: 4 Reward Points.
  • #5 player of each class: 3 Reward Points.
  • #6-10 player of each class: 2 Reward Points.
  • #11-20 player of each class: 1 Reward Point.

Prizes for reaching specific levels and staying alive:
  • Level 30: 10 Reward Points.
  • Level 26-29: 7 Reward Points.
  • Level 22-25: 6 Reward Points.
  • Level 17-21: 5 Reward Points.
  • Level 13-16: 4 Reward Points.
  • Level 9-12: 3 Reward Points.
  • Level 5-8: 1 Reward Point.

Quest Prizes:
The first player to complete each of these quests wins the prize listed.
  • Normal difficulty Mercy Mission (The Tidal Island): 2 Reward Points.
  • Normal difficulty The Dweller of the Deep (The Flooded Depths): 2 Reward Points.
  • Normal difficulty The Caged Brute (The Upper Prison): 2 Reward Points.
  • Normal difficulty The Marooned Mariner (The Ship Graveyard): 2 Reward Points.
  • Normal difficulty A Swig of Hope (The Docks): 2 Reward Points.
  • Normal difficulty A Fixture of Fate (The Library): 2 Reward Points.

Full-clear Prizes:
The first player to kill all of the monsters in any of the following areas will receive:
  • Normal difficulty The Fetid Pool: 2 Reward Points.
  • Normal difficulty The Den: 2 Reward Points.
  • Normal difficulty The Dread Thicket: 2 Reward Points.
  • Normal difficulty The Catacombs: 2 Reward Points.

Random Prizes:
Reward points earned in this race grant tickets in a random draw for the following items:
  • Alternate Art The Blood Thorn Unique Item (50 available to be won)
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This season's selection of races is awful and the signiture choice is the worst i've seen ever
Make Things For Smile!
Last edited by AdzPoE#5624 on Sep 5, 2015, 12:51:35 AM
this race season is also extremely hard . Endless ledge spawning act4 mobs lvl 4 isnt fun and you get overall a lot less point from races .
Endless ledge suck , signature suck , ima just play brutus/merveil kill ?
Gotta love that PoE crash...
bricked my run hard by going dread thicket and spending like 5-8 mins in there, most of which was spent searching for the last mob before giving it up. i literally could have saved myself time by resetting the zone and rerunning and i still would have made it before the other guy... I wonder if it was that shitty ghost I couldn't kill that bugged it or something. i must have run through it 4 times thinking it was a missing drop bear -.- ugh
What do I win for the most stupid death in the history of PoE?
I died trying to get rid of the item with gem in it, I kept pushing keep, because for some reason it's the left option(left options tend to be confirmations, this is exception) and the pack I was in the middle of murdered me.
ProjectPT was right.
passofexhale wrote:
What do I win for the most stupid death in the history of PoE?
I died trying to get rid of the item with gem in it, I kept pushing keep, because for some reason it's the left option(left options tend to be confirmations, this is exception) and the pack I was in the middle of murdered me.

Feeling you, that's how I died last season as like ~35th in that race, about 20 minutes before it ended.

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