my 1st racing event

ROFLMAO..... I thought I'd give a race event a twirl for the 1st time.
So I created a duelist and signed up for the 1 hour immolation race going on now and watched as the timer ticked down to the start.
Grabbed my (t)rusty sword off the beach, ran up and questioned the dying soul, whacked the undead 3 times for the gem reward and... read that someone has entered Lionseye!?.. Whoa! 25 seconds has to be a record for this...
SO... I run past a horde of crabs, slay a few undead, heal up from the fires of hell roasting my derriere, dash to Hillock. A half a minute later, I am picking up my loot and a message flashes that some one has given the medicine chest to Nesa... Wow...

I enter Lionseye, over to Tarky, get my reward and a message says someone has entered the underground passage.. total time in game is 3 minutes so far!

I sell off a few items, ID and equip the 2 magic ones I received from Hillock and dash out the door to the beach. Looks calm, run up the dune large horde of 8 crabs coming at me, I turn right and go down the beach, 2 5 packs of undead, so I run past them, right into a pack of arrow tossing skeletons, a few sweeps of the sword to dispatch, and I am surrounded by the undead more crabs and cannibals, some molten strikes to start the party, a few whacks later I level up, fresh HPs and Mana and suddenly I am completely engulfed by about 20 monsters and coupled with the fiery ground..the damage is horrible... down to 5HPs... even with a potion bubbling in my veins and death overtakes me!

I lasted 6 minutes!!! My Wife would be Proud....

NO complaints, but wow..some fellows are faster than Superman on steroids out the gate.


Faith divides us, Death unites us.
Ok.. so now I think I understand a little bit more about this racing system, but there's still a little bit I'm not sure of.

If I survive in a descent race, the character I created is moved to a void league.. I cannot reuse him in any other event.. is this correct?

Do I just delete him after points and rewards are awarded?

When one races in the signature events, and survives, the character is moved to the hardcore (standard if killed)league, is this character reusable in the next signature event?

If not, then if you stash chest items during one of these types of events, does the next character get to use them?

Is the entire hardcore league stash available to use in event game or only the event one?
Where do the items go once it's over?

probably old questions but I've read a bunch of stuff here and still not clearly understanding.

Thanks for taking a moment to help out a newb


Faith divides us, Death unites us.
FGMDevil wrote:
If I survive in a descent race, the character I created is moved to a void league.. I cannot reuse him in any other event.. is this correct?

Correct. Void characters cannot be accessed in game. They still exist in your character list so if you wanted to post gear or notable drops after the event to the forums you could.

FGMDevil wrote:
Do I just delete him after points and rewards are awarded?

Yes. You want to make sure the points/rewards have been awarded first, or you might not get them.

FGMDevil wrote:
When one races in the signature events, and survives, the character is moved to the hardcore (standard if killed)league, is this character reusable in the next signature event?

No. Races require a new character to be created for every event. The character could continue in the parent league it is transferred to if so inclined.

FGMDevil wrote:
If not, then if you stash chest items during one of these types of events, does the next character get to use them?

No. The stashed items from a race are transferred to the Hardcore league stash in the form of remove only tabs.

FGMDevil wrote:
Is the entire hardcore league stash available to use in event game or only the event one?

Only the event one. You start races with nothing in your stash. It is always a fresh economy/start. However stash tab count is account wide, so your race stash will have the same number of total tabs as your Standard/Hardcore stash.

FGMDevil wrote:
Where do the items go once it's over?

See above.

Hopefully this answers your questions. I might add some of these to the resource I am working on. If you have more questions, I will try to help as best I can. Cheers
Hello sir,

In every race, all characters start from scratch without access to any items whatsoever. That places everyone at the same level in the competition.

Race events (with or without mods) that are part of the game (you start on the twilight strand and progress kinda like you would in the normal game) transfer your characters and your stash to the hardcore league once the league ends and prizes are awarded.

Race events that are not part of the main game (Descent, Descent Champions and Endless Ledge), all characters go to void league. This allows GGG to have more room for designing race formats, for example, you get exalts and a mirror from chests in Descent Champions. They can do this, because they move everything to void league so it won't affect the economy of the main game at all.
Last edited by tagpt#6445 on Aug 5, 2015, 8:46:00 AM
Thanks Fellows!
Faith divides us, Death unites us.

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