Emberwake, Event 58: 40m Descent Champions
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Prizes for reaching specific levels:
Alternate Prizes: The following are awarded to all players to complete them, not just the first.
Random Prizes: Reward points earned in this race grant tickets in a random draw for the following items:
Gameplay & Level Design
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UG I ripped on the Inner halls #1 with 8 minutes to go. I've been ripping there a lot lately... It seems that as I get better at regular races, i get worse at this.... Probably because in this race you actually have to kill a lot more things than in regular races... I think an adjustment in my strategy is required...
I am a shadow. I was born the youngest daughter of a respected family, raised to fight, weep and bleed for God and the Order. I would have died to keep my mouth shut. Professional integrity, it's called. That lord sang a different tune once I had taken their children.
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Ultra troll layout in halls 3 which had me backtracking for about 40 seconds extra to Gravicious. I almost would've made the kill but I ran out of mana charges, derp.
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Best rng of my life, I was first every level from like 12 - 16 and then 18 - 26. Nice density in halls 3. In my previous high run, I hit 3.15 million. If I had the same halls 3, I hit 3.275 mil. If I had the same halls 1-2-3 I hit 3.375 mil. Sigh "When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
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