Organized PvP on American Gateway, Hardcore league - lets get some 3s teams going
I play a 28 ranger twink on Hardcore league, American gateway. I would like to know if anyone is interested in getting some organized teams together for 3v3 play? I think the first goal would be to get 6 players together and divided into two teams, coordinate a time which is good for everyone, and play versus one another. I realize that with matchmaking the way it is there is no way of guaranteeing that we will play against one another every time, but 3v3 seems completely dead. I queued for nearly half an hour in one instance and did not find a game, so it seems likely that if all six players queued at the same time they would end up in the same match. Also, general discussion for PvP gear and tactics, as well as comments on the current status of PvP, all allowed in this thread. Please feel free to message me if you would like to set up a time for 1v1 play as well. I posted this same thread on the General Discussion board and it was quickly buried, though it was up long enough to set up some very fun 1v1 matches with a twink Frost Witch. Personally, I would like to see better bracketing in PvP. 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, etc. 6v6 or 5v5 play could also be interesting. |
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forums, i am disappoint.
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I'm not having any problems getting 3v3 started, never waited more than 5 minutes I think. Usually only 1 minute. Have done more than 25 times 3v3 so far and I currently have a 100% win rate.
I already have a kind of organized 3v3 team, it would be nice to see more serious 3v3 teams coming in the future. :) I'm really looking forward to 3v3 tournaments and stuff like that. |
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You are most probably playing on SC?
In SC, at peak hours, 3x3 is fast. And, denedeh, people not playing pvp much cause they are not bored yet of killing brainless AI to get some loot over and over again, but in few months or so, pvp will flourish. ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard Last edited by Ramanuga#7754 on Feb 13, 2013, 6:49:43 AM
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SC? softcore?
as i said above, im playing american gateway, hardcore league and it seems really dead :/ |
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Hey man, I am actually working on a lld 28 ranger. I have some gear but still need to max out some things. I'm interested if you ever want to play some games. Add WEEABOO_SPAMBOT thats my 28.
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awesome! sent you a friend invite in game. more needed!
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