My Suggestion for PvP Seasons

Seeing as Leo missions such as 3v3 or CTF are more of a pain in the ass to organize than they're worth, this is my suggestion to improve queuing overall.

Rather than having a short pvp season with 100 or however many events, why not just have a point system over a period of say 3 months, where you earn points in different match types whenever you play. For example, every 1v1 win you earn 'Y' points, for every CTF win you earn points. With different prizes in each match type for reaching a certain number of points. Wouldn't this create more incentive for people actually queueing in all the different queues all the time rather than for 20 mins out of the day? I think this would be more REWARDING, INTERESTING, and SUBSTANTIALLY improve queuing day-to-day.

Imagine if you queued up for a round of pvp and there were other people who had reason to play against you. (Only about 20 people seem to care/have a chance of climbing leaderboard)
Just an idea, community, let me know what you guys think.

IGN - Xukai

Mirror Service - /1046531
GGG used their racing season as a template for the pvp season and i think it's the right thing to do. Your system is way too advantageous for people who have a lot of time to the play the game. At least with fixed events, everyone has a fair chance if they organize their schedule around the calendar.

Also NO, Standard and Hardcore economy is fucked up with legacy and Epic items crafted with duped orbs in both Low Level and Open (especially in open). It make no sense to make people compete in this environment (and I play only in standard). Playing in leagues assure that no one got an insane advantage by using this kind of gear. it's like saying : "let me race with my level 95-100 fully geared toons".
Temp leagues are the future.
It would be nice to have some sort of MMR system like Starcraft has so that its not just points based on who has the most time to play. But I agree I dont like the race template for PvP id rather have a long season where you can get your matches in on your own time. It would also let people compete in both Standard/HC and new leagues.
lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM
Mirror Service: View-thread/2479762
@icedeal - Dude the entire point of speccing out a level 95 character is to pit it against other 95 characters that are maxed out. Why not give those players a meaningful arena to test the gear they spent years getting? For me that's the entire point of the game. Fighting AI monsters is dumb, beating good players is the ONLY real challenge worth my time. Just my two cents.
IGN - Xukai

Mirror Service - /1046531
Last edited by trav_dawg#1277 on Jul 9, 2015, 11:06:48 PM
Well, you can already do that just don't expect it in a competitive environment. But you are free to reroll a character in leagues and use your knowledge to build the best fighter there. Or do you suggest the only way for you to win us to rely on grinded gear ?
IceDeal wrote:
Well, you can already do that just don't expect it in a competitive environment. But you are free to reroll a character in leagues and use your knowledge to build the best fighter there. Or do you suggest the only way for you to win us to rely on grinded gear ?

Haha, this comment right here solidifies how fucked up the PvP direction is in this game. High level top tier gear PvP should be the end game PvP wise. Not little tikes saturday morning cartoon baby bull shit PvP arena lld. Though whats done is done, new leagues and grinding to re-gear through redundant PvM content is the direction they want be it lld or hld. Id venture to say regardless of the duped,bs stuff in standard/hardcore perma leagues its probably hard for GGG to justify "events" because of the prizes. Why not remove that element entirely and just have timed events were we can all sustain a win/lose record. So no one can bitch like a baby if their gear isn't on par with the rest, because there is nothing to win and nothing to lose. It's a simple win/lose ratio ranking system similar to the ladders we have now but with varying events so people are aware of when other PvP'rs will be PvPing instead of sitting in queue all day with your dick in your hand...getting no where. This way everyone wins, new leagues are populated anyways and if they choose to PvP solely for reward ...they can. Perma leagues are still left to their own devices and basically ignored with the exception of a pseudo event calender allowing us to utilize more then just the 1v1/3v3 queues and sarn arena. No prizes, no alienware pc's, no razer gear, no having to offer incentive so people do it. Lets face it if you're on perma league you just want to PvP for the most part anyways and at this point I think those that wanted prizes to do it need to get over it. PvP wasn't about this give me give me give me or I wont do it mentality until the esports generation of nerds. Let perma leagues compete in the same exact events the actual PvP season would if there is to be one but let our overall win/loses be a factor in a ranking system in which you receive nothing but an epeen to swing around.
IGN: MullaXul
The concept of seasons is alright for pvp and it should definately be continued! The problem is that pvp is completely useless and a waste of time whenever there isnt an active season. This is mostly because the laddering has been organised so poorly. There is a very easy fix for this though which is explained below.


I still feel there should be set, short times when the ladder would be active. Let's say there would be 2 of these each day (for EU and US time zones and ladders) and they would last for 90 mins at first. This would make the dueling more interesting and like many have stated, people wouldn't have to sit in the queue waiting for a miracle. There simply isn't enough demand yet for 2 different ladders/queues that are open 24/7.

Match supply with demand in a sense.

This set time could be widened in the future if it sparks more interest towards pvp. Also queueing would of course be possible outside this set time but the ratings wouldn't change.

Temp Leagues:

Same as above really. The set times could probably be much longer though because there are a lot more players interested in pvping.

Side note:

Allow HC players to spectate/challenge SC players and vice versa! It's been too long! It would be a huuuuuge upgrade for the pvp scene.
Last edited by lapiz#7973 on Jul 10, 2015, 7:25:20 AM
IceDeal wrote:
Playing in leagues assure that no one got an insane advantage by using this kind of gear. it's like saying : "let me race with my level 95-100 fully geared toons".

While playing in leages does remove legacy gear from the equation. It still dosnt solve the problem of rich vs poor. There are a few people every league who accumulate a lot more wealth than the general population. They would still be able to buy/craft better gear than everyone else.

I dont know if you guys remember the league JakeAlmighty/Flubby and others were farming uber non stop and had huge stock piles of acuities/ex ect. Imagine an average player going up against someone with that kind of wealth in leage PvP!

Imbalances in gear are going to exsist its an ARPG... imo standard is the best spot for PvP because people can eventually become wealthy and afford the best gear if they try. Ive never not been able to buy a legacy item when I had the currency. If someone thinks they need a legacy shavs to win they can get one in standard if they work for it... but in all honesty leg vs non leg with regards to something like a shavs isnt that big of a deal.

lapiz wrote:

I still feel there should be set, short times when the ladder would be active. Let's say there would be 2 of these each day (for EU and US time zones and ladders) and they would last for 90 mins at first. This would make the dueling more interesting and like many have stated, people wouldn't have to sit in the queue waiting for a miracle. There simply isn't enough demand yet for 2 different ladders/queues that are open 24/7.

Match supply with demand in a sense.

Thats a good idea as well so long as people cant simply play more matches than others to get more points.

I remember this being an issue with the rapid lld matches where youd get a long game vs a good opponent and it was more advantageous to leave the game and just go for quick kills almost zergging the ladder than actually trying to beat your opponents with skill.

Lastly im with Mulla here... fuck prizes! A good ladder is incentive enough for me to PvP
lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM
Mirror Service: View-thread/2479762
Last edited by Dethklok#2196 on Jul 10, 2015, 10:15:49 AM
Gear has to stop being the issue here. GGG left us with legacy gear in standard/hardcore and in turn bastardized us when it came to events because of the imbalance of such things. I feel they should of just universally fixed this stuff on 1.0 release but hey whats done is done and no way is it happening now. I don't even use legacy gear anymore, I sold it because it was boring. Regardless, events,ladder rankings,no prizes...hopefully it would be incentive enough or if nothing else provide a few times a day where the PvP population isn't stagnant.
IGN: MullaXul

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