Spelldmg/CastSpeed/CritChance ammy
I cant find another with SpellDmg/CastSpeed/CritChance this high listed in Standard or Hc and also has %Armour and an open craft slot (prefix) as a bonus-can roll flat es/%es/hp.
Thanks! T1 Spell Dmg (max) T1 Cast T2 Crit Last edited by awave#0377 on May 7, 2015, 4:33:01 PM
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" When this happens, widen up your search parameters. It really is as simple as that. My HC Race & PVP Rewards collection at /3140751. Please help me locate the few missing ones!
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That being said:
- Having a look at both SC and HC is a very good idea; - Determining the value of such pieces can be tricky due to master crafting, and as such the important rolls which can't be obtained via master crafting (Spell Damage, Cast Speed, Crit. Multiplier, etc.) tend to be more valuable than the ones which can such as Global Crit. Strike Chance, ES%, etc. My HC Race & PVP Rewards collection at /3140751. Please help me locate the few missing ones!
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" " hah, yeah you were the one who offered to buy it a few days ago. and of course i had already widened the search parameters (20/10/20) and checked both leagues to little avail which is why i came here for a pc and am having trouble getting a good honest one (or any :P). right now it looks like lower rolled ones, some with and some without any other solid affixes or open crafts are a bit random (people who know what they have and people who dont might be part of it, and the inclusion or lack of other solid mods/craft spots doesnt necessarily follow with the pricing): 2-3 to 25ex and upwards to 35ex+ (much higher for ones with legacy crit multi ofc-talking mirrors) in standard for those, but this being in hc with only one remotely similar (but lower rolled and on a paua's with no b/o---and there are 20 similar in standard btw with the lowered search parameters, one amazing one with at least 25/12/30...the only one really close in either league, and also with no b/o) makes it a tough pc. even if those two did have b/o's i can hardly place a legitimate price on this one based on only 2 examples. the difficulty of finding similar is leading me to believe its one of those where its just worth whatever the highest bidder would be willing to pay for it. id like to sell but if i dont get a valid pc ill probably just hang onto and build a char that can use it, or let it be bid on once more people are playing hc. Last edited by awave#0377 on May 6, 2015, 10:44:32 PM
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" Hm I don't recall that nor do I think I would be interested in it really. One more recommendation when it proves hard to value, what you can do is try and assign numerical values to the item's properties and then compare with items that score similarly. For instance in your case, 26% Spell Damage is roughly equivalent to 2 to 2.5 skill points. 12% Cast Speed is roughly 3 skill points, etc. The Crit. Chance is maybe 1 point. The %Armour might be useful to some, but to most currently it's more of a wasted stat. It has a prefix left so it's good for a mid-low Life roll to which you can attribute points too as well, etc. My HC Race & PVP Rewards collection at /3140751. Please help me locate the few missing ones!
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" yeah it was absolutely you: SuspiciousCelery-lvl 100 witch with the Shadow's hideout. you also bought the white 6S5L ilevel 78 Harbinger Bow from me for 14c (the one now in your store for 1ex) and a 6S Voll's Protector for 20c and wanted to see what other good deals i might give you-this ammy along with some legacy iiq jewelry, a leg iiq archon shield, a 101% colddmg/critchanceforspells/castspeed wand, and a couple other things along with "any alt-art" i might have are what you said you were interested in. as for the second paragraph. yeah i do that loosely to an extent, but theres also something to be said for the synergy of mods on an item and scarcity of that particular synergy, and id argue that the "armour" makes it very useful to certain builds (although only t3 i think it scales very tightly making t3 solid also), specifically a caster or totem templar or the very rare coc that uses armour or evasion/ir etc. and ofc it can also be crafted for either hp OR es/ci through mastercrafting or your good-old eternal/exalt method. if int didnt make it an all-attribute ammy id consider that a throwaway stat. its too bad it didnt/cant roll % elemental damage however. but ANYWAY, thanks for the advice! assigning a static b/o to this is out of the question now anyhow. Last edited by awave#0377 on May 7, 2015, 4:53:46 PM
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Oh you might have listed that amulet but I can't remember expressing an interest for it. That said you do seem to have a better recollection of our encounter than I do so I'm happy to take your word for it.
That Harbinger saw a hundred or so Chaos thrown at it before I decided it was time for it to go. Synergy is to be taken into account yes when trying to price check jewelry. So is the ease of access on the tree of some of the rolls present on the amulet. I'd have trouble putting a price on it myself as well for what it's worth, typically one item you could stumble upon for a few chaos in a random shop or sell for several exalts to the right person if you're patient enough. Best of luck with the sale! My HC Race & PVP Rewards collection at /3140751. Please help me locate the few missing ones!
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Yea keep posting here for price checks. Kinda suspect he offered you for your ammulet but forgot lulz
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