New pvp maps, i think it's time ?

We need more properly pvp designed areas, places that reflects the pvp scene and maps where we can actually gank, go out of enemy's radar and then quickly coming back for a surprise attack. Properly designed objects that actually block projectiles and spells, it makes no sense that u can shoot spectral throw,spells,bow projectiles over objects like rocks and certain walls. The maps are also so small there is very little space to work with, some maps are even corridor designed and u can hit the enemy from spawn.

Make more areas with bigger working ground, gank paths, objects for blocking and better pvp atmosphere. It feels like we are playing on maps that were designed in closed beta like random stuff threw together.

Please, it would be awesome to have real pvp areas.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
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Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Feb 20, 2015, 11:55:06 PM
Some maps are in a much better place than others. My biggest gripe is with the size difference between maps. The map choice should not have such a large impact on the outcome on the match, but some maps drastically favor certain builds and play styles over others.

The Solaris and sewer themed maps are way too small (especially Solaris), and can be completely dominated by some builds (CC trap, inc dur Firestorm, etc). In Solaris there are 4 narrow LoS pathways where using long range movement abilities are even somewhat worth it (going straight out from the starting areas, and diagonally in front of and behind the V wall in the center). The 3v3 version of the Solaris themed map is how the 1v1 should look.
hauntworld1 wrote:
We need more properly pvp designed areas, places that reflects the pvp scene and maps where we can actually gank, go out of enemy's radar and then quickly coming back for a surprise attack. Properly designed objects that actually block projectiles and spells, it makes no sense that u can shoot spectral throw,spells,bow projectiles over objects like rocks and certain walls. The maps are also so small there is very little space to work with, some maps are even corridor designed and u can hit the enemy from spawn.

Make more areas with bigger working ground, gank paths, objects for blocking and better pvp atmosphere. It feels like we are playing on maps that were designed in closed beta like random stuff threw together.

Please, it would be awesome to have real pvp areas.

Smoke mines are really helpful for this.

There's if anything too much stuff to hide behind/circle around and lame matchs. Making these arenas bigger or adding more shit to them would be horrid. You need a balance between just the right size maps and just the right amount of stuff in them. Too small and melee will rush your shit so fast you'll cry. Too far and lame asses will draw matches even more then they do now. Not enough stuff to hide behind/use/move over and create space...and matches lose depth and some builds become useless. Too much and you get more desynch, more lame, more people quitting pvp.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Feb 21, 2015, 8:45:08 AM
I dont think the current maps are badly designed, but they are old, some arenas are the same since 2012, not that thats something wrong with them, but it would be nice to get some more new ones.. i wonder what happened to the beach tileset? That one was pretty fun
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Last edited by VictorDoom#6290 on Feb 21, 2015, 9:22:37 AM

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