[HLD] EA wallspam
HOW has this not been nerfed yet? its just ridiculously OP, people sit next to a wall and spam EA, the AoE is so large that you cant even get close to them to actually do some damage without being 1 shot
I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: https://www.instagram.com/victorseiche/ https://www.facebook.com/victorseicheart/ World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1058950 Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral Last edited by VictorDoom#6290 on Feb 18, 2015, 6:56:37 AM
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agreed on 100% , idiotic wall mecanics come to pvp((
100lvl mele pvp QUIT
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It has become a thing now in hld. just put an off hand quill rain and fight them fire with fire.
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" I've had either offhand EA or offhand puncture for years now. Doesn't change the fact without actually specing into these builds you will not keep up with those who are. Even with a incredible 6l or bow, you're only pestering ppl. Versus someone legitimately speced into EA or puncture it's an uphill battle, not something I'd consider "fire with fire". IGN: MullaXul
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" Yes, against a dedicated ea/ poison arrow/ puncture it's almost impossible to win even if you use it yourself. And mate, I don't include you in those people that I said. It's just the increasing numbers of randoms who literally just stands in the wall hoping his melee opponent comes to him. My suggestion would work against those randoms who just slapped a quill rain and stood there. So what I'm getting is the solution to be remotely decent is a flexible build (which I can effectively deal with traps,EA,molten, etc which are almost non existent in pve) ? Which is something I'm not willing to do because I still PvE in melee. |
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" Well for the randoms you can certainly use a PA or just LS, but people who are good with EA will spam it on a wall that youre close to and it still destroys you, in some maps you cant really stay away from a wall at a distance that will let you avoid the EA spam, its just stupidly OP, and of course whenever you close in on them they just spam it on the closest wall and you die With traps you can sort of deal with as a melee, since the cooldown has been reduced to CC you can leap/cyclone them and destroy them as long as you remember where they were placed, its more of a memory game against trappers, im ok with how traps are now since the cc nerf but there is a bigger problem with remote miners which place 5 of them at their spawn and you just have to take a fucking guess at where they are, miss them(if you can even call it a miss, more like getting unlucky) and you get 1 shot. against molten, speccing into pure ele damage works, its annoying, but it works. I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: https://www.instagram.com/victorseiche/ https://www.facebook.com/victorseicheart/ World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1058950 Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral Last edited by VictorDoom#6290 on Feb 18, 2015, 6:52:46 PM
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^Thanks for the tips, I'm sure the leo dailies crowd appreciates it.
Getting back on ea, not much to say but at current trend in hld.still get specced hybrid arrow/spell gameplay and use ea yourself those 1v1 tight walls are your bestfriend. Add in traps cwdt , and do shotgun spells as your other specc off hand = gg Not saying melees left behind, full conversion molten strike, static really good as well not as good as ranged but stil Last edited by awetZ020#5407 on Feb 18, 2015, 6:59:36 PM
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Awet I didn't take it that way.
Was just pointing out how ineffective at times it can be using options you aren't specced into against ppl that are. Anyways, yes PA is another good option mainly because people still neglect chaos resists. Bear traps still have their place on any melee build they just aren't game changing. They are useful against people that refuse to use movement skills and instead just run around, also useful against cycloners naturally. These small 1v1 arenas are a god send for EA, Sarn FFA every EA user is insta trash. Get them into 1v1 and its a completely different story. EA can still be hard countered if you're a low life caster using RoP. Or if you can use RoP,PoF and already know who you're facing before hand so you can stock up on ruby flasks. Still a hard match but having those things at your disposal definitely gives you what you need to win. As 2h, you're pretty much left with trying to out range (non atziri axe, 2h with actual range further then a 1h? Haha...ya jokes I know) or using the ruby/PoF and lots of regen/stalling. Better to take stray hits off random walls then to approach someone who is dedicated to just standing in the corner where you'll eat far more damage in an instant. So moving,clipping and pestering til you get a good opportunity to capitalize is all you can do. You may never get a great opportunity but that's just how shit goes. For traps, RoA on a quill rain with a herald so you get a good visual of when you destroy the traps. As for melee being left behind or not. Really RT melee blows, I have a 200dps dagger on my shadow and kill people in 1/4 the hits it takes on my Marauder. Not to mention that side of the tree is soooooo much better for PvP as it is. Acrobatics,evasion,crit, etc..etc.. My shadow is legitimately a better character then my marauder. If I was using a real dagger or had a bow or was a caster it would be even better. Honestly if you're losing playing a crit caster,dagger,bow as scion/shadow/ranger/witch and maybe duelist...you need to re assess your approach because that shit is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to play. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Feb 18, 2015, 9:17:51 PM
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^ No worries
All has been ssaid, We'll just have to wait for season 3 (HLD focused?) so people can really start to cry. And just see what actIV brings. I've tried stuff already but some things are just out of my hands unless I dedicate my tree/ gear to some real hld. That said i've recolored my gear to go full pve. Will pvp only with the leo daily group from now on. |
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your first - and only - mistake, Vic, was to play melee.
and I'm only half joking. on-topic: agree. wall mechanics in PvP are neither fun nor fair. Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat Shadow: That was fun Last edited by johnKeys#6083 on Feb 19, 2015, 2:06:14 AM
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