Cross league 3v3, 1v1, 6v6 SC vs HC League
Today found out the queues were cross league for the legacy leagues. best time I have had while playing in HC and actually able to get matches through the queue. I have fought some insanely strong SC builds and I am really enjoying it. Before the cross league I couldnt get a match for hours and now I can just queue match after match and play many different people.
Thanks GGG cross league pvp in queue is the best thing to happen to pvp in a long time! PLEASEEE DONT REMOVE, add cross league any league challenge please. If theres no rewards there is no reason hc/sc cant play against the new leagues through challenges! I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, |
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