Same Rich Players in PVP
I enjoyed pvp before patch 1.3 where I was able to compete with other strong builds using med core gears and block
however, I found that most of pvp player are well known and I always meet them in arena. All of them are elders and with high tire gears they can 1 or 2 shoot you /EK crit/Cyclone/sword flicker/EA/Freeze pulser/puncture and etc... before the patch I was able to get good block chance which mean good defense, as CI build i use CWS combined with molten shell and fire pen althoug my damage was 10k in molten shell but it was sufficient to 1 or 2 or 3 shoot most melee physical builds who do not use block reduction gem (was OP)/ combined with tempest shield + Iron will+ add choas dmg + add lightning damage (quality to enable shock) (was OP too) Molten Shell + Tempest Shield was my high tire items Molten Shell + Tempest Shield ware useless against (2H Sword molten strike) I cant do a thing :) my build was designed for pvp as caster/block the damage was little weak with worthless gears. I believe that PVP is 100% depends in your worth (after 1.3 Patch) the only remaining skills that can be used for non worthy player are mines/traps (shoot the high tire gears before he shoot you) There is nothing wrong the pvp depends in worth players had been spending hours and hours to get high tire gears so they become very strong in pvp // but the thing that wrong is when they complain about ppl who get some techniques to be able to beat them with low-med gears If GGG start nerfing every thing according to complains POE will end to close path without encouraging players to think for solution. I prefer to see new skills, items, support gems with new idea and uses to encourage people to make new builds different and effective Waiting the coming ACT 4 Regards, |
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It's an arpg, ofcourse gear matter
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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