EU01-63-STD FFA Arena
The queue for this tournament can be found in the "Events" tab of the "Events and PvP" panel. This can be accessed in-game through the menu button, or by pressing B (by default). You must queue for this tournament in order to participate in it. You can enter this type of tournament late if needed.
You must be on the following league/gateway to participate in this tournament: League: Standard Gateway: Europe PvP-only characters can be used for this tournament. Instructions on how to create preconstructed PvP-only characters can be found here. This is a low-level event. It is restricted to level 28 characters who have not yet completed Normal difficulty. This is a Free-For-All event FFA Arena tournaments are free-for-all events where you want to kill as many players as possible within the time limit. More information on how this format works can be found in the PvP rules. Each kill is worth 1 point. The top 20 players by points will receive:
Prizes for reaching specific point tiers:
Gameplay & Level Design
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1k hp, max ressis, instashot everytime and still fucking arena loading me every 10 seconds to another arena even though I am alive and fighting fucking horrible. Horrible! ★ IGN: Pinockio_the_Transexual or PM me on forums ★
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" Traps, cyclone, facebreakers, molten strike & reactive gems. Oops forgot facebreakers and fb. I hit my 500 point so I probably will hold off on pvp now til s2 / major balance changes. Last edited by terrex#7466 on Jan 7, 2015, 3:56:36 PM
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