Season Ten, Event 55: 90m Turbo Solo
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Prizes for reaching specific levels and staying alive:
Quest Prizes: The first player to complete each of these quests wins the prize listed.
Full-clear Prizes: The first player to kill all of the monsters in any of the following areas will receive:
Random Prizes: Reward points earned in this race grant tickets in a random draw for the following items:
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20 Minutes in Turbo
Starring... Alphaccount! >Fuck yeah 90mTS >The league will begin in 10 seconds >Peebottles ready > >GO GO GO!! >Reach Hillock, target acquired >[engage] >Strike², Strike², Strike² >... >out of mana >Hillock on roids AND speed >almost RIP >he finally ded >drops are all white >fucking racist >can't even sell for 1 ID scroll >gg wp no re >Mud Flats >derping along getting seashells >blink >suddenly surrounded by turbo blue charging Greater Rhoas >ohshitohshitohshit >Moltenstrike kill all, hit Lv3 >not today, chook paté >Coral ring MVP >Lower Submerged >Hmm... might go for the- >HERPADERP is the first to kill the Dweller in the Deep >nvm >Upper Submerged >lobsters everywhere >basically fireproof >wtb tentacle mobs for ez exp >GGG: None sry lol >sigh >Ledge >Puncture dogs >nope >reset >Puncture dogs >Xbox360.wmv >reset >Archers >fuck yeah >Lv6 >Climb >Archer mobs again ^_^ >halfway through map... >JUST KIDDING PUNCTURE DOGS LOL FACKHETTE >Unequip chest armour >run like fuck >Lv6.2 >Lower/Upper Prison >no blue skeletons at all >must have all gotten laid >mfw animated corpses get more action than me >tilt fedora, narrow eyes and vow to Sasuke I will focus harder >Brutus >Brutus: "Do you have a question?" >Me: "No but I'll AXE YOU anyway!!" >chuckle to myself >health suddenly 15% >wtf >TP out >"Nessa, I need Lv4 HP pots!!" >"Sure I got Paua rings!" >"But..." >TP back >Brutus @60% >TP/TP >Brutus @20% >TP/TP >tfw critical hit kills boss and dings you a level >Brutus dead >Log out for pro-sauce 10seconds save time and TP scroll move >forgot to pick up loot >fml >Lv8 >Prisoner's Gate >2x rare fire dogs greet me at passageway >ah fuck me >run, firetrap, run, firetrap >hit's as hard as wet spaghetti >hmm... wet spaghetti firetrap microtransaction... >make note to PM Chris/Bex >Wait oh shit I'm desynching!! >Logged out pre-swarm >insta-relog in >See my character in selection window switch leagues right in front of me >RIP in Standard lel Can't be fucked rerolling. Good luck to remaining racers, I'm gonna head to the gym. |
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well played, rng...well played... Still in the alpha stage, but at least build diversity isn't an issue:
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" Sorry, I LOLed. =^[.]^= =^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled / =-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie |
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Watching black death outrun 15% ms boots + qs of adrenaline after 1 crit viper does 400 damage and my orbs still going down after hitting a greater life: ayy lmao
Cba rerunning after the bail, took it easy in crypt to the end. IGN: KoTao
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Very slow a1(35+min) and just as i was about to progress i saw top racers die and got scared so i farmed crypt. Biggest mistake :(
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Thanks for the write up Alpha, gave me a good chuckle.
This was my first Turbo and wow, doesn't this get the blood pumping! Given the problems I was having in lower levels I was really dreading Turbo Brutus. I mean seriously, like this guy needs to be more dangerous when you're under-equipped and pushing the boundaries. Also felt like this was a combo Turbo / player famine. No health pots, orb drops or anything you might find mildly useful in this race. At the end of the race I was still using one of my original tiny health pots:( Had to save up for my Aug Orb by selling blues constantly. The one ray of light I had was MS boots early on which saved my bacon more than once. Changed strategy here and went for all the Fire nodes for Shadow trapper as I figured that for both Brutus and Merveil I was going to be doing a lot of chucking traps and running around in circles. This definitely turned out to be a winning strategy as running away was a good survival technique. Also decided to armour up and forgo some movement speed for the extra survivability. Also a good strategy especially as for about half the race I had no rings and no amulet. Man, that really sucked. Kudos to those that did so well in the race, you really earned those points! Edit: WTF, I got 15th Shadow? Yay me but this race must have been pretty devastating on so many people! Last edited by Aldora_the_Summoner#4021 on Jan 4, 2015, 1:46:12 AM
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AltF4 count = 7.
Due to desync and dumbassery, and turbo viperstrikes. Still managed to get 12th place shadow. Last edited by Zartla#5826 on Jan 4, 2015, 1:59:27 AM
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" So that's how you pro racers roll? You fight with Brutus lvl 8 ? You rush too much, brah. I always fight with Brutus at level 10, i know i play slower and safer, but at least i guarantee to myself that i won't rip. :D So far this race season i ripped only once, only once, when actually servers acted like DDosed for 10 continuous seconds, and i just entered an instance, and you know you cant disconnect your char for ~20 sec after entering a fresh instance, so i died. I played like 40-50 events already, and died only once. :D Not pro, i just play it safe. Proud Crusader of Hardcore Leagues.
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No guts, no glory (and no Demigod) :)
I'm usually happy to tackle Brutus at about lvl 9 but no way in hell in Turbo. Perhaps if I had some good drops and was feeling a bit tanky, but I was as fragile as a Faberge egg. |
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