Counter Attack Gems (No 2H Love)
In low level PvP the counter attack gems are really strong verse other melee characters. They are basically free hits to the enemy.
Let's look at the comparison for each style of play: 1H+shield : Reckoning - Riposte - Vengeance Dual Wield : Reckoning - Riposte - Vengeance 2H : Reckoning - Riposte - Vengeance Why is it that 2h only get to use one of the three gems? As if block wasn't already enough to want to go 1H+shield or DW, you also get to use all three gems(on top of extra life, resistances and armor/evasion/ES). 2H just seems like it's getting shafted with the amount of defense it can have. I guess maybe that's what you're substituting for more damage. 2h are slow and can be easily out played by a very fast paced hitter. There needs to either be another counter gem added for 2h only, or make it so 2h can use some of the other counter gems. I played against another player with just one of these gems and it killed me before I could kill him. He didn't even attack me. He just stood there and I died. He was using facebreakers. Please ton down the damage or the chance to proc in PvP. Anyone else have experience with this? OR am I doing something wrong? IGN - WazaBaza
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right now the balance seems to be that you can deal ridiculous damage per hit but slower and at exchange for defences.
As a result cyclone with a 2h is very high damage but also not very tanky. If im not mistaken isn't a two hand cyclone build among the top of STD ladder? LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide Last edited by andkamen#5405 on Dec 23, 2014, 8:27:55 AM
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Is he in lld?
IGN - WazaBaza
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yep that would be Fyndel_sVVag, 2h cyclone mara.
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because Cyclone is bugged
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edit1: just tested with -50% Reduce enemies block chance + Resolute Technique and they still trigger that often, btw my enemy has 42%block hes able to kill me afk(without flasking) with facebreaker.
Last edited by 2i0#7192 on Dec 24, 2014, 3:40:29 AM
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You say that the trigger gems make block even more appealing than it already is, but then when you look at the ladder in sc & hc, the two top melee players are 2 hander cyclone.
Sure other builds like puncture/tornado shot can beat them, but 2hand cyclone is by far the best melee build at the moment. I think the last thing they need is more trigger gems. IGN: @GreenDude
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" i went out topic but yeah more counter will be really bad, and both top arent cycloners because the input raw dmg is bugged? | |
is it bugged though? It used to be very hard hitting before 1.3 as well, no?
I though the bugs with cyclone are of other nature. LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide
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