About Cast on Death

Ok so for the last few months I thought that those suicide bombers in Sarn Arena were quite funny but now they are too much of them. It's just for the sake of trolling other people, it has no purpose and really just is not fun AT ALL when it go longer than half an hour.

You try to have a good fight, brawling as usual in the arena and one of those guy hust show up and blew everything away. (I don't even understand why this gem was created at the first place, NO ONE is using it execpt for the sake of trolling people).

Also now they start to show up in 3vs3 wich is very unfortunate as you basically fight 2vs3 if they managed to get ride of him first.

After the EA problem, this is the most annoying thing in PvP right now. It should be deactivated or giving a -99%dmg in pvp.
Last edited by IceDeal on Dec 17, 2014, 12:28:57 AM
IceDeal wrote:
Ok so for the last few months I thought that those suicide bombers in Sarn Arena were quite funny but now they are too much of them. It's just for the sake of trolling other people, it has no purpose and really just is not fun AT ALL when it go longer than half an hour.

You try to have a good fight, brawling as usual in the arena and one of those guy hust show up and blew everything away. (I don't even understand why this gem was created at the first place, NO ONE is using it execpt for the sake of trolling people).

Also now they start to show up in 3vs3 wich is very unfortunate as you basically fight 2vs3 if they managed to get ride of him first.

After the EA problem, this is the most annoying thing in PvP right now. It should be deactivated or giving a -99%dmg in pvp.

lol i always thought the intended use of CoD was specifically for that ;)
I'll admit to trolling with cast on death at times in arena in the past but I actually think cast on death is a good addition to team matches. It is actually fairly tactical (they can single handedly kill the other team if they misstep. I plan on making a LLD cast on death 3v3er at some point.

Moreover, I advise that /oos must be re-enabled in pvp.
Last edited by Grildrak on Dec 18, 2014, 10:49:06 AM
Well I agree that It can be usefull as some kind of finishing move but only if the character is not ONLY focused on that.

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