Everyone's more than welcomed to chime in on how you might improve the current pvp system.
Things I'd like to see adjusted: Show character name/class when joining a match and allow for flask swaps without emptying the flask slot. Its very hard to run a good belt against ALL builds all the time. Particularly freeze/stun/freeze builds that require a particular set up to have a chance at winning the match. Allow an option to end match (without xp penalty), concede the match (xp penalty), or switch match (upon both participants votes) Like A222 already mentioned, some maps (sewers, in particular) is horribly desync-y. It's nearly impossible to play aggressively with wb/flicker without fear of becoming a sitting duck 3 screens away. There also seems to be a bit of a lag issue. I know that some people I've played against have had issues with me, on several different computers/internet connections, so I'm not sure if it's my connection or a serverside issue. The builds overall seems to be relatively balanced. Every build seems to have a good chance at winning, which is nice for a change. I don't wanna suggest a nerf just cause I'm losing *cough nerf duelist sword pen* huh? The meta seems to be largely bowers. All of the old crit daggers (there used to be a loooootttttt) seemed to have shied away from that build and everyone with a 180+ pdps bow is capable of easily ranking. Duelists are DPS machines insta-killing like never before. Crit dagger is strong, but far cry from the killing power it used to have * Ele crit seems to be stronger than phys crit, by quite a bit. Edit: a big reason for the 1.3 patch was to remove 1 shots (crit wb 1 shot for example). Crit puncture trap is 1 shot or .25 seconds b4 death. It seems to be one of the skills that 1.3 tried to get away from. Did a couple rounds with Fyndel, with the bcr boost, block nerf, not much of a chance vs puncture traps anymore. adsense gay Last edited by bigfoot312#3283 on Dec 14, 2014, 12:15:52 AM
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^^Crushes everyone by 100 points in ladder with crit dagger says other peoples builds are the ones that are OP ;)))))))))))))pppppppp
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" Next time, put this at the top of your post so I know when to stop reading. Puncture traps are the most pathetic thing I've ever seen as of 1.3 Pre-1.3, you could kill Uber with just seven of these suckers. (Regular->split->regular->split->regular->split->regular->dead) Now? A 6L with mirror harb and 20/23 and 21/20 gems couldn't kill Fire Fury in a1n. Let's face it: GG GGG, Puncture is trash skill that nobody will ever use ever again. Bottom line if you're dying to puncture traps, your build is wrong. I don't see anyone in top 10 1v1 Std dying to puncture traps. I've fought Leo (of the top ten) repeatedly, and each time, I threw 3 traps at my feet. Didn't even scratch him as he steamrolled right over me. As for the rest of your post, I agree with the existence of desync maps, especially with the lower pit area in Crypt (someone Whirling Blades rubberbanded around the whole thing and hit me when I was taking potshots at him). The bottom right of Sewers is also particularly desync prone, with the pit/walkway/pillar. IGN: ArborealTeapot [Standard]
~Your Happy Hugfriend~ (Not Hugfiend...) | |
Epee we're talking LLD not HLD here, the two meta's are obviously different.
Fyndel's LLD is a puncture trapper, and he's 3rd in US and 1st in EU. | |
" Allowing us to end matches without a rating(?) penalty would just be abused to avoid unfavourable matches and get easy 100% win rate. But I am all for a concede option without having to relog/afk until the match is over. Also feel something has to be done against how you can get the same opponent game after game. Especially if it is a really one sided match. I would also like class and guild being listed next to the players name in the ladder here on the forum. Edit: Just played a 7game all draw against ornitLLD and really feel that would just ruin it for both of us in a blitz tournament. We REALLY need a offer draw option for those games And /oos NEEDs to be reenabled in pvp! So many times I see my molten explode or traps trigger where I am not and oos does not change my position or anything. This got even worse with the small new maps with pillars all over the place. Last edited by Grildrak#3477 on Dec 14, 2014, 8:40:45 AM
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yeah /oos needs to work badly. and sidro just because I beat you doesn't mean I crush everyone haha. I lose to bowers, get 4-0's by fyndel, get melted by duelists, and was destroyed by ornit as well.
Gildrak, I meant that both people can call for a draw, if they chose to. More or less it's to save us from grinding off of people who are clearly outmatched or the same recycled opponent over and over again. Last edited by bigfoot312#3283 on Dec 14, 2014, 11:11:18 AM
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+1 about the flasks and 3 secs for aura casting.
PD: any new Corrupted mods? Last edited by 2i0#7192 on Dec 15, 2014, 2:00:25 AM
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if they allow flask swaps it should only be in the 3 or so seconds before a round starts. Anything after that will be too op
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide
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Well, the biggest reason why Puncture trap is so OP (aside from the block nerf, which benefits puncture more than anything), is the guessing game we have to play with our flasks/gear each queue. There would be much more balance if we can switch a few bleed flasks and proper weapon swap to deal with trappers. Rather them run every game against someone with 1 remove bleed in belt. When people enter a game both names should appear and the 5 sec timer should allow for flask/gear swap without penalty (ie draining flask)
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