LLD Standard 1 v 1 Dueling - Initial Experience
I was pretty excited about trying the PvP content in this patch and decided I would try the pre-configured characters provided through this content update. My experience so far is that the matchmaking will be rough in the beginning until more players are involved.
It seems my initial matches were against players that were highly "twinked" and I was easily 1-2 shot. I expected to loose a bit but not every match. My purpose was to see how easily I could get into PvP with the pre-configured characters and also to see how viable they will be. Sadly, at least for now, not viable. I like PvP a lot so I will plan on watching the forums to see how the matchmaking functions after the content gets normalized. For now it's basically a no-win situation for players who have not specifically farmed gear specific to LLD PvP (in my opinion). I have hopes the matchmaking will get better and better but for now I will wait and see. |
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You forgot to mention that currently the only way to level Leo and obtain overpowered pvp master crafting options is to be a PvP elite, since they are the only ones able to have enough players to fill a queue and complete leo's daily missions.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.
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" You get plenty of xp pvp'ing. You don't need to complete the daily missions really. Formerly Firebrand
_Thriller_ _Boomshakalaka_ |
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The level requirement matching sucks too or i was the only person under level 28 playing
Still managed to get some wins lvl 9 v 28 though lol |
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I just threw on a bunch of random low level uniques and rares I found in stash, without much thought except for the weapon, and won more than I lost. But almost every battle I tried was incredibly one sided, you could tell from midway through the first round who was going to win 4-0.
With a level cap system like this, though, the majority of players will be at or near the cap, so level matching for a level 9 would basically be non-existent anyway Last edited by Qetuth#4217 on Dec 13, 2014, 5:03:57 PM
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i really like ll pvp.
first i made a marauder with geofris mace: 5link with flicker strike + stun + block pen + multistrike + some other gem with resolute technique and unwavering stance i ignore evasion and can't be stunned. i thought it is op, but it is not. aps is too slow and it is also very boring you either dominate by stunlocking or die because there is no backup to this build second char is a shadow with max phys dmg, some block and max dodge using bear trap and ek: much better experience, while some builds are hard to deal with: mostly fast attacking flickers and whirling blade users because they cause heavy desync. but i love laying bear traps everywhere kiting the fools who try to get me and once they are in a trap they get ethereal knifed to death (from pretty long range) i was wondering if you can corrupt a Matua Tupuna for +1 gems, with empower that is +5 to minion gems and go srs. | |
" I also ran into what seemed like 50% twinks on saturday. But now, sunday, it seems to only be about every 5th game that is against someone clearly twinked. The other matches are against either precons or people who have added a couple of extra items/skills to it it seems. |
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" it's stuff like this that makes casters and summoners either shit or op, you rely on some gimmicks like corrupted stuff. | |
ok i tried srs with the new wand (i.e. +1 skills and lvl1 spell echo) and empower you get +3 to srs, but it simply does not work any aoe dps will kill the rs and feed your opponent flask charges. it also hurts that arrows fly over frost walls (i was using frost wall + trap + inc dur. + multiple traps)
however if the enemy does not have any aoe it is really strong. i went up to rank 24 with my 800 dps ek + bear trap shadow, but a good flicker striker will beat you (although they can be beaten if they play bad or have sub optimal gear). however bow users are insane especially puncture. my next build will probably be a puncture trapper :) Last edited by tesb#1511 on Dec 14, 2014, 5:01:06 PM
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made another character with 1.1k es and went low life with crown of thorns.
got the new wand and put empower + fire pen (pyre ring converting all cold to fire) + cold snap (highest dmg of all spells) in it. the result: as long as you face other casters or trappers or people with "normal" weapons you are good to go. imho the current most imbalanced thing are high end crafted weapons especially bows. when one puncture rips through 1.1k in a second or so and the archers stands one and a half screen away there is nothing you can do. similar results for melee weapons: once you get into the bracket of decent to really good crafted weapons, matches end in fractions of a second. i could try it with spark instead of cold snap, to make it competitive with melee but archers are too op imho. the only spell that is somewhat competitive is on my shadow bear trap + EK character, but i still need another empower lvl 1 for my bear trap. hopefully GGG nerfs the damage of high end weapons (not the weapons themselves, but all damage should be less effective the higher it goes). |