Master Crafting Service (All Level 8s) Trustworthy, 200+ vouches!

I no longer offer a Hardcore crafting service.

Original Master Crafting Service Details
IGN: deefa

Trustworthy Master Crafting service!

Harbinger Hardcore League

8: Cata, Elreon, Haku, Tora, Vagan, Vorici, Zana.
5: Leo.

Crafting Costs (You provide Mats)

  • All level 1-7 crafts (like mod removal): 1c
  • Any Master Level 8 individual craft: 8c

ACE guild members PM about these rates.

Hardcore League

All my Masters are level 8 in Hardcore and Standard (except Leo who is level 6).

Over 200 happy vouches! Listed below and over here.

Crafting Costs (You provide Mats)

  • 1ex per individual craft action.

Please read these points before contacting me:

  • Know exactly what you want crafted.
  • Advice on crafts is not offered by this service.
  • Correct currency for crafting costs is required.
  • PM you want crafting service and in which league.
  • Trade your item, crafting costs and your tip at the same time.
  • Vouch this thread, add me, next time PM your account name for even better service.

Got trust issues?

I am the most trustworthy, reliable and efficient Master Crafter in Path of Exile because:

  • I value my reputation and I have zero interest in ripping off anyone.
  • I have more vouches than anyone else.
  • My vouch history stretches back to 18 October 2014.
  • I am heavily invested in this game having purchased many high tier supporter packs.
  • I am co-leader of Alpha Crucis Exiles a leading Australia Gateway hardcore guild.
  • I have been playing Path of Exile since 19 July 2012.
  • I have a Standard to Hardcore Trading thread here.
  • I only want to help the community enjoy the game we all love.

I have gathered many legitimate vouches in Challenge Leagues, Hardcore/Standard Leagues and One Month events. I’ve crafted hundreds more times for people who did not vouch and everyone has been happy with my service and system.

If you go over the vouches you will see I have crafted for Top Ten players in hardcore leagues, events and races with 30+ ex items doing things such as six-linking with 1500 fuses. On the flipside I have politely and effortlessly scoured basic items for players.

Still unsure? Plan on asking for collateral? Well, I don't do collateral. Don’t bother PMing if the above is not enough, as I cannot help with your trust issue, friend.

Crafting Research Links

Crafting Research Links


There be dragons here!

No seriously this is just a collection of notes and previous postings.

You are welcome to read on though.

Original Beyond shop

deefa's amazing all level 8s master crafting service

NB: I'm no longer playing Beyond and thus unable to provide crafting services. Thank you for your patronage and at some point I may re-open offering crafting in the Hardcore League.

I had GGG Support move this thread from its original spot in the Beyond Trading - Shops to Hardcore Trading - Shops so I may i) offer level 8 crafting to the Hardcore League when my masters merge with it after 20 November 2014 and ii) to keep the record of these crafting vouches.

Thanks again to the 65 people who vouched in this thread.

IGN: deefa

Tip Whatever You Want Master Crafting service!

All my Masters are level 8.

[list][li]Please know exactly what you want crafted and research the mods yourself. See below. :)[/li]
[li]Ensure you have the exact currency required for crafting costs - I don't exchange currency.[/li]
[li]I'm unable to provide crafting advice otherwise I'd have no time to play the game.[/li][/list]
Thanks and please leave a vouch in this thread for others if you like my service.


Some possible changes for this page in the future:

- Split into two sections i) please read ii) how to contact (with template saying mod, e.g., a) hi, b) message w/ "x mod", tip offer, vouched on thread before (account name)"
- Reasoning is the need to jump into STD or HCL from CLs.
- Not available add me but edit note!
- Implement previous thread voucher system
- "Trustworthy, Reliable, Efficient, " at header
- Spoiler with quotes from vouchers.
- Multimods, link to each?
- Trust section, explanation summary of above.
- Add these sites or links:

I can craft the +3 Bow recipe w/ Leo's DOT and all Meta Mods for you.
65 vouchs in HC up to closing post "All the vouches above are from Beyond"

  • Know exactly what you want crafted and research the mods yourself. See below. :)
  • Ensure you have the exact currency required for crafting costs - I don't exchange currency.
  • PM the exact mod you want, e.g., "Put on 60-79% Increased Physical Damage 2chaos".
  • Trade your item, crafting costs and your tip at the same time.
  • I'm unable to provide crafting advice otherwise I'd have no time to play the game.
  • I reserve the right to ask what your tip will be ahead of crafting and to refuse service if its too low - keep in mind I may have to stop what I'm doing and re-log into this league. :)

Thanks and please leave a vouch in this thread for others if you like my service.


During the Beyond Challenge League (21 Aug - 21 Nov 2014) when GGG first released their Forsaken Masters expansion I got all my Masters to level 8 for the challenge getting 8/8. I created this vouch thread to craft for tips and to prove I was legitimate. I have zero interest in ripping anyone off and only want to help the community enjoy the game we all love.

This thread was originally in the Beyond Shops subforum and I asked GGG to move it to the Hardcore Shop subforum so I could continue to offer my crafting services to Hardcore League players.

Thanks and please leave a vouch in this thread afterwards for others if you like my service.

During Beyond Hardcore Challenge League (21 Aug - 21 Nov 2014) when GGG first released Masters I got all of them to level 8 for the challenge getting 8/8. During Torment Standard Challenge League (12 Dec 2014 - 24 Mar 2015) I got all my Masters to level 8 for the challenge getting 7/8.

Vouches count

Page 1: 7. Total 7.
Page 2: 10
Page 3: 1
= Total 18

Page 1: 9 - Beyond.
Page 2: 10 - Beyond.
Page 3: 10 - Beyond.
Page 4: 10 - Beyond.
Page 5: 10 - Beyond.
Page 6: 10 - Beyond.
Page 7: 9 - Beyond / Hardcore.
Page 8: 10 - Standard / Flashback 1MHC.
Page 9: 10 - Flashback 1MHC.
Page 10: 10 - Flashback 1MHC.
Page 11: 10 - Flashback 1MHC.
Page 12: 10 - Flashback 1MHC
Page 13: 9 - Darkshrine HC. Total 127.
Page 13: 10 - Darkshrine HC.
Page 14: 10 - Darkshrine HC / Talisman.
Page 15: 10 - Talisman / Perandus.
Page 16: 10 - Perandus.
Page 17: 10 - Perandus.
Page 18: 5 - Perandus. 1 "wrong post lol"

= 182

TOTAL HC + SC = 200 vouches

IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - • Discord: deefa#3298
Last edited by deefa#3750 on Oct 17, 2018, 7:46:10 AM
Last bumped on Sep 24, 2017, 4:46:11 PM
vouching just crafted life onto a chest for me fast and easy.
Multimodded my dagger for me, vouched!
Vouching for removing a mod on my belt for me. :D
did a remove mod for me for 1c, np will use again in future!
Great Haku service! Thanks again!
Can vouch this guy is legit, socketed, linked and coloured my corrupted cybil's claw
ign: ropefly
Last edited by ropefly#2757 on Oct 18, 2014, 10:31:23 AM
Quick and easy. Switched the resists on my helm. Thanks!
removed 2 mods. very fast and nice. vouched!
4s and 4l it, next step colouring! great guy ty!

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