HLD ranking, legues... just tossing ideas
I think it would be great if a bunch of interested HLD players would form an internal ranking system for 1 v 1.
It would be quite simple, when two players agree to play a league match they would invite a 3rd player (prob from the same crowd) to witness their duel. When its done all tree would post/confirm the result in a thread here or on G-dudes site. one point could be whatever we agree on (first to 2-5 wins or whatever...) Each contestant match-up can play maximum 2-3 duels (2-3 points). And when all the participants play all the agreed duels with all league members, we pile the numbers and get a first ranking system. After that we can dig deeper in to the organization of such a thing and form an ELO ranking system or hold a tourney for first 8, or similar. This is just a tossed, non refined idea, I am sure it could use polishing. But what do you think of such a thing in general? And if you feel positive please give your suggestions. thanks items shop: 364086
ign: [ICU]missuse if you like to HLD, add me inactive in game atm, PM me if you need something. |
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We played around with a lot of ideas for our system too. One thing we really wanted to emphasize is fairness and accessibility. It is important that playing a lot more games than someone else does not mean you will do better. It is also very important that you cannot purposely pick and choose who you fight because you know their builds and you know it'll put you higher on the ranking. Refusing a duel that you know you'll lose is also another fairness issue.
The solution for us was Round Robin or Round Robin Pools. You basically have to play one match against everyone else in the league or pool. If you play everyone else who participates than you use Round Robin and if the participation is too high that it is impossible for all players to realistically play each other in the time limit given than round robin pools works. You just randomize the pools and then once everyone played their pool, you re-randomize players in a new pool with new players. And you do this as many times as you can. We didn't have too many players so we use Round Robin without pools. IGN: @GreenDude
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