Just a little PvP feedback/suggestions, worth reading/supporting if you love Hardcore PvP

I've been playing diablo 2 for about 6-7 years some years ago, i quit because the community simply died and because of diablo 3 coming out.

I wanted to give diablo 3 a try to have something to play on my free time, i though that diablo 3 will be an "Upgrade" version of diablo 2 with better gameplay etc, but no it seems like diablo 2 is still better than diablo 3.

What made diablo 2 so special especially in Hardcore was that, when you beat the game, when you get all the epic lootations, you have 1 more challenge, and thats trying to be the #1 PvPer.

I think PoE lacks the basics of PvP, its basically dead here.

I have 3 suggestions to improve the PvP/Game and make it more fun for us PvP/Hardcore players.

1. I Would realy love to see the Hostile feature that diablo 2 had, you could simply join a party, Hostile them, after 15 seconds you can start attacking them, (they have time to run if they notice that you Hostiled them). this was a great feature and i remember having so much fun with this killing people who were actually trying to kill me, or just team up with 1 or 2 of my friends and go kill people, the nearliest thing that have happend in PoE to this Hostile system is when Cutthroat league were active, sadly i wasn't playing PoE at that time, but that Cutthroat league just did look so awesome! PLEASE BRING IT BACK!

2. (Everyone who dislike with me on this are not Hardcore players and should go back to Softcore). Permanent death in Hardcore vs mobs or when PvPing would be awesome, this was a feature ofcourse in diablo 2, when you did pk someone or you get pk'd you either kill or you live. It doesn't feel right to still being able to play your character in softcore, i mean it doesn't feel like Hardcore. Hardcore should be challenging and hard, it should feel pain when you die with that hard earned gear. Too bad Hardcore in PoE is like Softcore in diablo 2.
And permanent death with Hostile feature would be the best thing ever.

3. As i said before about brining back Cutthroat, WE who love PvP would love to see a permanent third league being some mix of Hardcore/PvP with the 2 other suggestions i named, permanent death and Hostile feature.

Extra: I would also love to see that players dying would drop everything they have in their inventory (exept the quest items) this would also make the game more challenging.

Just some tips i had in my mind that i had to share. I Love PoE, reminds me of D2, but the lack of PvP just destroys it, i mean who likes to sit and grind mobs for 24/7?

Thanks in advance!
I agree completely.

The Pk and anti-pking adds a nice element to the game.

A spot for heroes and villains to spice up the world.

They definitely need to consider at least opening up a permanent cut throat league...
Last edited by Bribarian31#7719 on Oct 14, 2014, 2:43:31 AM
You're beating a dead horse. I along with many other like minded individuals have wasted our time posting similar suggestions for years. GGG needs to focus on the balance in PvP (1shot crits/molten shell/tempest shield/daggers) before sprinkling anymore glitter on this shit sandwich they call PvP. I stick around and support this game hoping one day PvP will be about the better tree/player/gear choices. This will likely never be the case, as it stands now its just a 0 skill gap special Olympics exhibition of who can stand still and win or who can 1hit who first. They podcast with pvmers that are damn near clueless and that's what leads the horse.
IGN: MullaXul
MullaXul wrote:
You're beating a dead horse. I along with many other like minded individuals have wasted our time posting similar suggestions for years. GGG needs to focus on the balance in PvP (1shot crits/molten shell/tempest shield/daggers) before sprinkling anymore glitter on this shit sandwich they call PvP. I stick around and support this game hoping one day PvP will be about the better tree/player/gear choices. This will likely never be the case, as it stands now its just a 0 skill gap special Olympics exhibition of who can stand still and win or who can 1hit who first. They podcast with pvmers that are damn near clueless and that's what leads the horse.

IGN - Xukai

Mirror Service - /1046531
trav_dawg wrote:
MullaXul wrote:
You're beating a dead horse. I along with many other like minded individuals have wasted our time posting similar suggestions for years. GGG needs to focus on the balance in PvP (1shot crits/molten shell/tempest shield/daggers) before sprinkling anymore glitter on this shit sandwich they call PvP. I stick around and support this game hoping one day PvP will be about the better tree/player/gear choices. This will likely never be the case, as it stands now its just a 0 skill gap special Olympics exhibition of who can stand still and win or who can 1hit who first. They podcast with pvmers that are damn near clueless and that's what leads the horse.


PvM in this game is genius, everything about it is ideal. I just don't understand why PvP falls so short. Not to say it's literally as shitty as I make it seem. It just makes little sense to me that is, how so much hilariously skill-less broken crap has lasted this long. It's like saying hey...here's the meta, our PvP'rs refuse to move properly/or at all, can't name lock, can't build a legitimate tree or have never PvP'd before. So here's a shit ton of 1hit kill sit on your ass babies first PvP gems/mechanics so you can feel good about yourself when you PvP. As always though if all of these thing's couldn't critical kill you in 1 hit, then PvP would be as close to balanced as it would ever need to be. Issue is criticals, always has been always will be. When games started over saturating the critical mechanic beyond 1.5 - 2x damage like it used to be in most every game is when games started to turn into everyone's a winner 1hit kill 0 skill gap.... crap. Pvm has the same issue but you don't care because you're not on the receiving end. Criticals ttrivialize the game and close the skill gap. Just in PvP its kind of counter productive. Especially in a game with this much customization and build originality/individuality. Shame it means nothing because you're getting 1hit anyway...full mirrored gear and genius tree or not.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Oct 14, 2014, 10:25:59 PM
Guys. Calm down, wait 24 hours, then come back to this post. Trust me.

edit: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087970 at last.
IGN: @GreenDude
Last edited by GreenDude#3233 on Oct 15, 2014, 4:44:29 PM
mulla the part where you say that there is no skill is in part true, but the 1 shot part is totally false. i can tell you that me, shadow, dub etc cant 1 shot / being 1shotted anymore, cause ppl is pvping and realizing that they have to survive and dont go glass cannon like they did. you can be 1shotted by a puncture arrow if you are moving and caught by surprise, or by molten shell (even tho no1 use it anymore), but other spell / attacks cant 1 shot anymore.
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
tempallo wrote:
mulla the part where you say that there is no skill is in part true, but the 1 shot part is totally false. i can tell you that me, shadow, dub etc cant 1 shot / being 1shotted anymore, cause ppl is pvping and realizing that they have to survive and dont go glass cannon like they did. you can be 1shotted by a puncture arrow if you are moving and caught by surprise, or by molten shell (even tho no1 use it anymore), but other spell / attacks cant 1 shot anymore.

A high rolled crit puncture will kill you with impact damage
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
Bottom line is we don't need anymore PvP craptastic features or events ATM. Save that for after its balanced out better. I know I sound like a broken record when I constantly shit on the flawed meta of current poe PvP but I'm right. Crits kill PvP and certain skills are just asinine. The true min-maxing legitimately good pvpers would appreciate and adapt to a more skill focused PvP. So fuck little joey casual by now, he doesn't care if he dies 1 hit. Or if his builds optimized or if he even wins...he enters PvP to goof off and have fun which won't change if PvP was in a less dumb state. Your PvP scene is small, yet filled with loyalists that want to truly PvP competively. They want their choices to matter, not to feel like they wasted their efforts because some fuck with 2ex worth of gear and a crit tree 1hit them from afar. So for real GGG, you gave the casuals sarn arena so they can face smash into one another and kill time. Focus now on the real PvP and its many issues all ironicly with the same common denominator....criticals. Even block isn't as bad as it seems if tempest shield wasn't wrecking you at the same time.

Edit: let me rephrase that. Block WITH the block gem isn't that bad anymore. Should the block gem be something like 40-45% mutiplicitive ( it would be broken vs anyone with <70% block if it was a flat reduction),yes but would it be decent enough as it is now if tempest shield couldn't kill you instantly....yes.

So GGG I think you have done a good job dangling lil pvm features in front of people to keep them entertained and keep doing it because pvm is amazing. If you want to do something for pvpers please balance it first, we don't want to be temporarily entertained by glittery shit on a string...its been a long time and I think were past that.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Oct 15, 2014, 11:36:54 AM
Did you guys ignore my post? :P seriously just wait a few more hours before you say anything about the state of pvp or balance or events. Just hold on a few more hours ok?
IGN: @GreenDude

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