What if - Stash Layout Export and Import

What if we had a stash layout export or import between leagues that automatically sets folders and stashes. The point here is to make it more manageable to organize stashes between league types. Like my stash in SCSSF league has a different setup to my SC league, where my HC stash is different to my ruthless one.

This would also permit streamers or other players to share their stash organization. Lets be honest, after a set number of stashes, it starts to become difficult to manually manage.

I wish it were easer to make a standard layout and have a way to paste between leagues in a easier way besides manually.

I believe that a way that could be more development friendly is an option in the stash "Make this layout the standard in:" and give the options to each league you want to past. Since the game already kind of does that, new leagues copy the layout of the last league, they just don't transfer to league types.
Last bumped on Aug 11, 2024, 9:17:40 AM

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