New Transfigured Gems: Channeled Shield Charge and Physical SRS

Shield Charge is very clunky in its current state when used as a main skill.

The "start-stop-start-stop" mechanics of the skill are very grating while traveling long distances, but especially so while attempting to repeatedly charge through large packs of enemies. The fact that Shield Charge gets stuck on everything doesn't help this.

Creating a channeled version would allow MUCH smoother gameplay and open up the potential for main skill Shield Charge builds.

Suggested Mechanics: Instead of "100% more Damage with Hits at Maximum Charge Distance", grant x% more damage in stages. The skill should be more focused on the charging part and less so on the "final impact". The uninterrupted mobility should be counterbalanced with a slower turn radius while charging.

For smooth gameplay, the problem of Shield Charge getting stuck on small objects also has to be addressed.

As for SRS, the alternate version is very simple: No innate conversion to fire. The addition of not being able to deal elemental damage or to deal only physical damage is debatable.
Last bumped on Aug 9, 2024, 10:13:48 AM

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