I was wrong about PoE...

A few years back I did a very cruel review to the game and quit it. It was hard and very time-consuming to be able to pull off a build that you would like.

In this expansion, I gave it another try. I have to say I hadn't so much fun in a RPG in years. Either the developers found the right path for the game or I got better knowledge in it.

Settlers content fits perfectly with the theme of the game. For the first time it seems that you don't have to rush maps to make currency. Also, the new ascendancies give you strong fundamentals for a larger pool of builds.

Generally, you get to choose the content that you like, whether that is Einhar, blight, delirium etc. You just have to choose which one you are good at and farm it as much as you like.

Although, the game is unplayable without addons like poe overlay or item filters, without these you increase playtime looking at pixels.

I think in this expansion the servers are going to be more active due to the nature of the content.

Really wish GGG will keep that same tempo.
Last bumped on Aug 9, 2024, 7:34:15 AM

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