Please add a Forbidden Tome section the Currency Exchange

Please, I beg you. Add a Forbidden Tome section to the Currency Exchange so that those of us who enjoy Sanctum running aren't forced to buy in singles. I often get ignored as the item has already been sold, or the person is being flooded with whispered.

The Currency Exchange may very well be one of the single most amazing changes to quality of life that you guys have ever added to the game. The convenience it adds is astounding. The Forbidden Tome not being added was an enormous oversight, I feel.

If the reason it wasn't added was because you'd have to add a section for every item level of Sanctum, just add one for the level 83 tomes as after the first two days, that's what we're running anyway.
Last bumped on Aug 9, 2024, 11:14:22 AM
Not possible in currency tab, since the item has different item levels. So one simple slot is not going to work
I literally addressed that in the post. Did you even read it?

I wrote

"If the reason it wasn't added was because you'd have to add a section for every item level of Sanctum, just add one for the level 83 tomes as after the first two days, that's what we're running anyway."
the ilvl isnt the only problem,they can put items in it that can have mods

since you can partially run tomes even the first version is considered a item that can have mods

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