Mineral nodes should dynamically check if they have been cleared when they re-render

I dunno if this is intentional or a glitch, but in either case...

It's a wee bit frustrating to clean out a verisium node on a character thats not set up to facetank it, and come back only to find out that the 1.5 screens away you moved to control it was enough to de-render the mineral node, and it therefore didn't make a check to get marked on clear.

It would be nice if mineral nodes that have been clicked on would check if they have been cleared each time they render until the clear flag is present.
Last bumped on Aug 9, 2024, 7:26:26 PM
Yes this feels awful. I've lost several of the very few nodes I've found this way, meaning I've cleared all the mobs and see the mining gear around the node, but I get no ore from it. If you move too far away with any of the mobs this seems to happen, but if you die before clearing and run all the way back without kiting mobs it seems to still give the ore.

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