Dota feature "Auto-repeat Right Mouse" but for PoE ??

Here and there on the internet I've always seen the debate about if a clicking macro is allowed, condoned, or illegal.
And to put it short, as long as its 1 input per action its ok.
so rebinding the mouse wheel to help with left clicking is probably still the most popular option that wont break ToS as far as I'm aware right?

Now i wonder if this could be a neat feature that can be added in the options menu to allow for a auto repeat with a fixed click per second set by GGG themselves as to not overload the game etc.

Mainly i would see this to be a modifier like ctrl+alt or something similar.
this would help immensely inventory management and of item pickup.
I get that automation like this is not what GGG wants i guess.
but seeing as they been adding more and more QoL things being open to these features might not be so bad in the end.
Last bumped on Aug 8, 2024, 5:33:48 PM

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