League Adjustment suggestions.

1. More ore. Once my miners hit lv ~7, the need for more than 1 per vein type dropped off. Same for refining. They chew through deposits so fast I can hardly keep them all busy. So I'd like a way to find more ore either by Scarabs that add more veins or a specific type to a map. Or adding them to places like Delve... go figure Ore underground (shocked Pikachu face).

2. Better high tier gold scaling. After about rank 5, villager prices shoot up to ridiculous levels. Going from 10s or 100s, to THOUSANDS per hour per worker (yes I'm aware its because of mapper jobs). However gold drops cap out at t16 to ~5000-8000 full clear without juicing. Then ~15k if you focus on meta farming. Which while that "sounds" like a lot, when your town is running through 15-50k gold / hour to run, its a drop in the bucket. End game Settlers league is all about gold farming, and its tedious. Most of which could be pointed at the lack of other league mobs dropping ANY gold. Adding more scarabs to increase gold drops or mechanics that converts ALL loot drops for gold might be a good adjustment. Or a vendor that trades rares / uniques for gold. (that guy in the wagon outside the bar might be a good one...)

3. Pirate hunting. Giving my ships something else to do. I enjoy the boss fight for the pirates and the gold infusion it offers is always welcome. If one ship could be tasked toward pirate hunting, it could be another mechanic to lower risk to the rest of the ships. As well as offer a pretty regular way to farm the boss fights. Some variety might be needed though.
Last bumped on Aug 8, 2024, 1:02:10 PM

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