

Well.. it's kinda nice to have some extra little thingys that you can upgrade your gear with, buuuuuut lots of people playing with unique weapons.. some even with an energy blade..

Entire league is kinda ok, pirate s kinda annoying and rewards just eeegh, but pirate's last stage when waves just pushin you around s just awesome.

Can we please have kind of runesmithing, but for all gear?

Make some runic tools like chisels and some moondust,or let runes to be just items as tey are now, but with really tiny bonuses. Let those runes drop from every runic expeition themed creature and let to slap those runes to any gear, maaaaybe even several at once as runic lines with just 1% of something..

Just cuz covering your armour with glowing runes feels sooo sweet and those thingys will help to sustain that nyoice feeling of progression.
Last edited by E_luna on Aug 10, 2024, 1:31:55 AM
Last bumped on Aug 10, 2024, 1:56:26 AM
Just add RuneSmithing to uniques.
No need to change anything.

That's will gone away in 3 months, why not let ppl enjoy the league mechanic, who's using uniques - i don't get.
Last edited by FreshMeat93 on Aug 8, 2024, 12:15:18 PM
Nanana, there are uniques that can have runes rn, im not talkin bout current mechanic we have.

I'm talking about something like exarch's ambers, but not when you just slap it several times and forget that tey are exist, but something that you continuously upgrade your gear with, in long term, like even by +0.1% of something. And not as damn boring as ring catalysts.

Not sort of workbench which just allow you to dumbly select upgrade, pay 50 thing and never use it again, but something more interesting. Maybe as a table where you put 10 different ingridients and complex tools to combine em. Something that will require mooore of vi gameplay, like like cover your plate mail in blood of 1000 enemies before chiselin next rune of vi same item, or result will be a bit worse, maybe even enchant em with some rare ingridients that you will not be able to just buy; maybe also attach several ancient little dremer-witch-trinket-thingys from vi dark forest to enhance something at your char by tiny little percent.

Imagine it like a complex and variative crafting tree like system that not based on a bloody randoms and retries, because any random at games besides world generation just sucks and extremely negative.

Just mooooore of this kind tiny little progressions for every item, cuz it's kinda sucks when you feel that there's nothing you can improve your gloves with, but making new ones.

Dunno, i think its so bloody sweet to wear some really bad unique helmet with some mechanic that you like and then, with large amount of time just upgrade that helmet to distant amount of protection or things that you reaaaaly need. Like yea, it's a kinda bad armour part that noone ever wears...

But exact this one.. is yours, you worked hard for it for days or week and now its not really worse than top tier crafted thing. But it just also have unique mechanic that your build can not work without.
Last edited by E_luna on Aug 10, 2024, 3:27:39 AM

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