Simulacrum splinters in racecourse map: (routinely dropping 300, but not elsewhere)

Hello, I've been running breach/beyond/delirium lately, and I've noticed that in the Racecourse map, I routinely get 300 splinters (what appears to be max).

This is relatively easily achieved.

The highest amount I've gotten on any other map is 170, but on racecourse I am routinely scoring 300. I wonder if there's a glitch somewhere along the way. I'll stop running racecourse for now.
Last bumped on Aug 8, 2024, 7:51:50 AM
It's not a bug, Racecourse, Tropical island, Colosseum, Malformation(among others) have doorways to move you further out from the entry, so you get more splinters there, this is known since delirium came out and it's working as intended.

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Well sweeet! Back to farming I go. Thank you for the response. (Just wanted to make sure I wasn't exploiting)

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