The game falls off without loot.

I mean, the loot exists but it isn't in maps or the league mechanic...

If you want to be rich, you run Sanctum or Uber Maven this league -- ignoring the league mechanic entirely. Nothing quite beats the burn of farming up a bunch of gold, crops and bars to send out on a ship only to receive a small fraction of what you would have received had you just not done it at all and kept counting rocks in T16's.

How about the map runners? The maps cost money, but they bring back less than what you put in! What the hell is this? Why would you even interact with that unless you wanted to lose money?

You KNOW people are going to go for the most lucrative strategy, it's just unfortunate that you don't make the LEAGUE ITSELF the lucrative strategy.

One last thing...

If this is a keyhole glimpse into the loot, or lack thereof, in PoE2 -- it will feel like crap. No loot, no hook.

I'll leave you with a positive bit of feedback -- the currency exchange is excellent and actually kept me engaged a little bit. You just need to work on maintaining that hook. The boss fights are awesome, particularly the knight in the crater. That's about it...

Anyway, they never read this shit.
Last bumped on Aug 7, 2024, 6:20:57 PM
The devs are steadily converting POE1 to full ruthless mode, such that when we get our faces slammed repeatedly in POE2 for no reward, there will be minimal shock to our system. We should thank them for their kindness and consideration.
mnieradko wrote:
The devs are steadily converting POE1 to full ruthless mode, such that when we get our faces slammed repeatedly in POE2 for no reward, there will be minimal shock to our system. We should thank them for their kindness and consideration.

I was hoping they'd keep the games less homogenized but I suppose it's just easier to develop.
Yeah, nah...I suggest you give ruthless a go, so you are aware of the difference and change your nonsensical narrative ;)
Last edited by Strickl3r on Aug 7, 2024, 3:59:49 PM
mnieradko wrote:
The devs are steadily converting POE1 to full ruthless mode, such that when we get our faces slammed repeatedly in POE2 for no reward, there will be minimal shock to our system. We should thank them for their kindness and consideration.


True masters of conditioning and desensitization will carefully conceal just how hot the water is while the frog remains unaware.
The nerfs will continue until morale improves.
Luckily theres no loot problem only skill issue.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
What is this lack of loot everyone is talking about? Because groups didnt work out on day 1 and 2? I'm doing what I normally do and its fine. If you exclusively rely on the league mechanic I mean... that's a bad strat any league.. so sounds like a skill issue... If you pick content and play... you will make money its literally impossible not to.. unless you don't sell anything and just expecting 40 divs to drop in front of you.
I don't understand this point of view. im literally capping all of my small currency holes at 5k per in a very small guild sf group.

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