Please adjust to change the conditions of IGN or delete it. Many scammers are abusing this feature.

Suggest removing the right to change the IGN, a lot of scamers are abusing this right,
would like to add more restrictions like saying once a week
Because our reports are usually not a threat to scamer.
They can change to a new IGN to continue the scam.

I propose the following solutions

1. Change the IGN modifier to point selling (I don't think this is a PAYTOWIN feature).
2. Characte can't be modified for the first two weeks after creation and every time it is modified thereafter, it will have a two-week CD.
3. Remove this feature
Last edited by Grishrk on Aug 7, 2024, 9:17:55 AM
Last bumped on Aug 7, 2024, 9:05:13 AM

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