Quick feedback for the Settlers of Kalguur


- It's a refreshing League honestly since a Looooong time, the management of the city combine with the rest of others mechanics like the boat and the map runner,it's quite funny and easy to play with and the league is not intrusive !!! Furthermore the loot feels great !
The notification system and calculation system is a well thought out QOL.

- The currrency market Aka AH ... best thing in this league and one of the major step since the atlas tree. I hope they will add fragment and others stuff to it in the future.

- The gold right now feels good but in the early league it was a pain gto ain a decent ammount of gold.

- The increase range for pick up item (this one is insane)

- The return of sentinel / Affliction but i hope they will get their own tree in the Atlas because they are very rare.

- Item quantity on items get destroy which is a good thing and healthy change for the game, i hope the atlas will get the same treatment with the small nodes in the mid.

- This one seems weird but i like the fact that you patch a lot of thing quickly especially when their is an exploit.

- The rework of melee

The bad :
- For the league itself i only think of the runecrafting that is so unapproachable. You get so few runes (specialy the higher ones) that you need to buy them to do some craft.

- T17, just make this map unique and unchangeable. they are too many mods that can break your build and you end up spending 15c+ just for one map which lead to ....

- The loot on the ground in T16 and less feels a bit bad compare to T17...

- I wish the scry map could work in both ways rather than in one way

- Sassan was too rare at least (for me at least) but with the last patch i manage to get it.

So yeah it is a very good league with insane QOL even if there are still some problem (T17 mostly/and the loot).
I think this league was the result of a lot of work and I hope that future leagues will go in this direction.

Congrats GGG,
Last edited by Ghor76 on Aug 7, 2024, 4:02:41 AM
Last bumped on Aug 7, 2024, 3:57:13 AM

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