ES vs life and regen

Hi, I am currently playing a splitting steel trickster, by no means top end gear, prob about 65% there maybe 70%. I have 14.5k energy shield with just under 5k per second regen and a bunch of leech to boot. I take 0 chaos damage and have default 75 on my elementals.

I can sit in a delve or a map and just watch monsters hit me whilst on burning ground and my shield wont move and I won't die.

I bring to your attention my 100 Marauder doesn't matter too much but lets say I use my jugg ascendancy but I play warcries this means I can't really run determination for armor, maybe flesh and stone. I sit there with lets say 5.5k hp as most will have 3.5-5ish some obviously stack more but the point is if I sat on any map as low as T5 or delve at entry depth I'll get mangled.

Life regen gets no where near as high as ES and even with high life regen, 150k armor, 80 on elemental, or 85 you'll still get fucking squished vs my little leather wearing, silk boots slashing, cotton gloves sporting trickster.

This makes no sense to me. It's been this way for so long that all the ranged/caster classes are tankier and do more damage, it's so weird.

Why don't you guys at GGG want to even things up? It's so so weird. SO weird the imbalance between it, lol. My trickster does a bunch more damage and room clear too than even when I was kitted out on my zerker doing 4 warcries, double damage, 25% more here and there for extered attacks - plus the one shot deaths. lol

I'm sure theres going to be one or two heros comment about their amazing tanky melee classes, good for you my trickster is better. I'm not saying nerf ES. I'm saying buff life regen, buff armor PROPERLY this league you nerfed determination and added quality 20% but its not the same if the boys could get enough armor to not be dead with 3-4 hits that would be nice in comparison to being almost invincable lol, 400k armor without stacking, 10k life with 4k regen would be around the same as the trickster, but chaos would still do damage so not quick as good. Shockingly weird and so different to the balance in every other RPG/MMO/DND game (inc board game) out there. Tanks are tanks, ranged/casters are dps monsters, I don't get it.

Have a nice day :)
Last edited by Sydneydonza on Aug 7, 2024, 12:02:19 AM
Last bumped on Aug 7, 2024, 2:54:35 AM
The problem with ES and CI being better than life is as old as the game.
You need to consider that after all these years it be might so just by design intention.
You start with life (the inferior pool) and transition to ES (the superior pool with better scaling)

I have no other explanation.

Edit: A special note to Chaos Inoculation. Until 3.13 it used to be doable with -60 or at best non negative 0 chaos res.
Nowadays with life melee and chaos damage being so massively in the game everywhere anything less than capped chaos resist is suicide which makes a keystone that gives complete immunity to the damage type not only unfair but straight broken.
Last edited by zzang on Aug 7, 2024, 2:14:32 AM
Trickster is a problem.

it is placed in shadow area - area that 'has to' apply to staggering number of builds (mines, traps, crit, spells, claws, daggers, DoT etc) leading to a VERY dense and efficient pathings. shadow simply wastes very few nodes for travel thus giving more bang per passive it is a perk of a class that GGG decided to cram every 'misc' playstyle into.

second - INT ES scaling. imo it is the root cause of all ES-related issues. it seems trivial - 1% per 5 INT but.. you can get so much INT nowadays without even 'stacking' it, that it really makes a difference

third - new bases. sorry but +40 life on average buff on items doesnt match impact of 1000ES chest 500ES helmet. hybrid pieces got even stronger making Escape Artist one of the best defensive nodes in the entire game

assassin with the same gear would not fare that well. it is all about +buffer because it is the base of all other mechanics. %regen does not matter, it is flat final value that helps you survive. and that value is larger when your buffer is larger (+Ghost Dance being the second best defensive node in the game)

all my Tricksters were tanky, even if i didnt try. Ghost Dance + strong hybrid chest/shield == you can make 3 mistakes and be fine. this is huge

armour still sucks - the formula is designed to fail you when you need it the most.
Hahah the inferior pool, I like that.

GGG could just remove melee/armor/life that's kinda how they seem to want to roll anyway. After many years it's to the point where I'm clinging to hope for POE2 to be slightly different but if not it'll be done and dusted, very sadly :(

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