Gave up on this league..

So the latest patch didnt solve anything players begged for..

Exchange market :
Still not adjusted gold usage for some trades - just too high gold cost

Runesmithing :
High tier runes simply just dont exists

Farming :
Maybe add more fields ? Numbers needed for shipping are insane

Mining :
As long as you upgrade to lvl 11, you get only 1 vein in 95% maps, to nerf your gold income

Shipping :
Just bad rewards overall.. High tier workers have no chance to encounter pirates - No chance for you to gain some gold...

Mappers :
Extremly high gold cost, Random deaths even with ultra low risk - you get to sleep and your progress will stop after 5 min thanks to random encounter - Made to make you depresed ... High cost to reroll mappers..

Main building :
Bad rerolls .. even after patch you get bad quality workers with improved reroll ( 22500 gold !! ), Some workers are unusable thanks to mapper perks (much higher gold cost )

Gold farming :

Terrible gold drops, hard to maintain town .. After some time, everything you think about is if content you gonna play is worth some gold.. Really depresing mechanic for most average players..

T16 farming :
Absolutely dogshit - currenctly farming juiced T16 8 mod maps ( scale up to 280 quant, 210 rarity ) after 20 maps I got nothing. Not even worthy with full scarab usage... Extremly low drop rates !!!!!

T17 abuse :
This season is only good for people exploiting scarab usage in T17 maps, Making season even more harder for people in T16s trying to upgrade their builds - Extremly high scarab cost...

I dont really understand who can even think, this season is fun to play.. Its depresing, grindy without any rewards keeping you excited. You cant even play content you want, forced to play something you maybe dont like, just to have small chance to keep up with these 5% of playerbase who are just spamming T17s..
Last bumped on Aug 8, 2024, 2:24:19 AM
Exchange Market: can't exchange currencies if they don't drop *taps head*

Runesmithing: can't runesmith if I'm using a unique weapon for my build, good times

Farming: literally a busy body timegated job to create a useless currency to allow shipping

Mining: see farming

Shipping: wait 30+ minutes (or more) to get back an amount of currency equal to 1-2 "alch and go" maps or alternatively have my ship comandeered by a hit sponge pirate boss that makes me fall asleep and drops nothing of value

Mappers: i assume the current state of this feature is an inside joke for the dev team

Main building: spend hours grinding gold to randomly generate recruits that will consume ever increasing insane amounts of gold or be sacrificed to pirate boss because I don't want to fight him AGAIN

T16 farming: pointless because there is no value regardless of atlas strat and 99%+ of gear drops are laughable garbage taking up floor space

T17 farming: I don't play 26 hours a day in the small selection of favored builds so I can't do this

In summary: A+++ patch
I disagree with pretty much everything you said...other then the t17 abuse.
Exchanging a high number of currency for something can cost 10's of thousands of gold which you need because the farms running at 8000 per hour lol it's a bit stupid. I know there needs to be money sinks but really? crazy bro!

Personally don't like the whole kingsmarch thing for lots of reasons so don't bother using it now but feel your pain.
I fired everyone in town I can't be arsed with this anymore its too much. constant failing, no rewards forced boss fights that take forever to recover sailors, insane gold costs that get worse and worse. f*** that.
Can the devs PLEASE make one, JUST ONE season that is actually FUN!
Last edited by Skellimancer on Aug 7, 2024, 3:11:48 AM
Cause all currency were rare mobs only, and ggg nerfed them cause of mf sh*tdogs, aad story that ggg main devs decide all but they dont play normally around even 50% of endgame content to understand how bad its all
Skellimancer wrote:
I fired everyone in town I can't be arsed with this anymore its too much. constant failing, no rewards forced boss fights that take forever to recover sailors, insane gold costs that get worse and worse. f*** that.
Can the devs PLEASE make one, JUST ONE season that is actually FUN!

Is there some fight i dunno about yet? What do you mean with forced fights that take forever to recover sailors???

I prayge that the pirate spawns. Its free 40-60k gold dude XD

That fight is so tame, if you have trouble with it, just upgrading your build/gear should be an easy and cheap procedure.
Last edited by Strickl3r on Aug 7, 2024, 8:13:37 AM
mnieradko wrote:
Exchange Market: can't exchange currencies if they don't drop *taps head*

Runesmithing: can't runesmith if I'm using a unique weapon for my build, good times

Farming: literally a busy body timegated job to create a useless currency to allow shipping

Mining: see farming

Shipping: wait 30+ minutes (or more) to get back an amount of currency equal to 1-2 "alch and go" maps or alternatively have my ship comandeered by a hit sponge pirate boss that makes me fall asleep and drops nothing of value

Mappers: i assume the current state of this feature is an inside joke for the dev team

Main building: spend hours grinding gold to randomly generate recruits that will consume ever increasing insane amounts of gold or be sacrificed to pirate boss because I don't want to fight him AGAIN

T16 farming: pointless because there is no value regardless of atlas strat and 99%+ of gear drops are laughable garbage taking up floor space

T17 farming: I don't play 26 hours a day in the small selection of favored builds so I can't do this

In summary: A+++ patch

Not only do i think so.
t17 farming doesnt require a small selection of builds
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"

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