Burial Grounds boss hits harder and has more ehp than searing exarch

T16 Burial grounds boss(witch of the cauldron) has like 2 times the dps of Exarch and maybe 4 times his EHP. This is on white map. Why? What is the point if this ultra tedious boss? As far as i can tell it doesn't have any gimmick either, you just either out sustain her or die.
Last bumped on Aug 5, 2024, 8:55:36 PM
I had her as a Maven witness on base map tier and my minions could not kill her because Maven was constantly regening her life. She also had SOUL EATER!!!

So fucking annoying.
If you move very carefully to the left and hug the wall you can kill some magic mobs without her engaging, that helps sometimes and can make a huge difference. The Boss is certainly pita, if you are not there yet with the damage.

This boss is broken after changes to Soul Eater. It gets like 200 stacks if the map is juiced and there are a lot of monsters in boss room and is unkillable.

However if you're in Softcore, just don't resurrect and wait like 1 minute after dying. The boss' Soul Eater stacks will end, it will die like normal boss when you reenter.

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