Cooldown on pirate ransom

This morning I had to fight the ransom boss of the league, otherwise all shipping stops.

This evening, I have to fight him again. My ships have probably had about one journey between the ransom demand. I only have two ships.

This needs a cooldown or a rework so it doesn't completely shut off the shipping.

Also, I don't seem to be able to see the ransom demand if I don't have sufficient gold to pay it. The amount needed needs to be shown clearly.
Last bumped on Aug 4, 2024, 3:04:38 PM
Getting all the fights is actually a good way to make tons of gold.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
I agree, I am now rolling in gold and fortunately I can clear reliably, but shutting down what is probably the main mechanic in the league is bad for hardcore and casual players.

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