Remove atlas runners deaths.

i love going to claim 1 transmute and a rustic sash... 2 mins after i sent my atlas runner.

just change how it works so..

-atlas runners cant die

-lower rank atlas runners take longer to run the map but 100% complete it.

-higher rank atlas runners cost more gold per hour and run the map faster and 100% complete it.

-another way you could do it is 5% completion per upgrade of your mapping, giving 50% at rank 10 and rank 1 worker 5% completion +5% per rank

so a rank 10 worker on rank 10 atlas device = 100% completion.

i dont want to have to run back every 5 mins to "open map" or have to fish out a new employee, im literally far better off ignoring this interaction and just opening a map myself and completing it in the time it takes them to run 20% of a map then plank, to then have to micromanage a bunch of vendor trash. its dead.

Last edited by Cchris07 on Aug 4, 2024, 5:17:32 AM
Last bumped on Aug 12, 2024, 4:10:49 AM
i have 0 problems with how atlas runners work xd been spamming corrupted rare t16 maps no problem
and make them always bring back at least one mirror per map
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Hello. Is it normal that atlas runner that has 1% to die , always die? Here is a situation.
I load my map device with low level maps , white maps, they have 100% complition and 1% death of atlas runner.
Once i open portal, after about 7-8 maps atlas runner dies.
It was 1st attempt

On the second try i hire 2 atlas runners , hoping that last try was just random. But after 1 white tier 1 map one of atlas runners die. Its 1%, but seems it displays that it is 1% but in real , behind the scene its much more.

Can you explain me what am i doing wrong? or is it suppose to work that way? I mean 1% has to happen really rarely, but its happens too often.

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