Consider to allow currency exchange for SSF

Hi there,

I was so happy when I read, that there's finally a currency exchange for PoE. I never did trading and as SSF Player, it's pretty hard to get your stuff together, because the whole game is balanced around trading. However, I just found out, that SSF doesn't participate in the currency exchange thingy.

I'd kindly ask to reconsider this:
If you think of "crafting your own stuff" in this game, items like Regal orbs or or exalted orbs should be pretty common for crafting (as in find a good magic item base, regal it and if you were lucky, exalt the thing, otherwise try again, and again, and again...). From my feeling, they should be a maybe 2-3 times more seldom than chaos orbs, but still pretty common.

However because their price is dependent on the drop rate and balanced for trade league, they are not. So it would be awesome, if SSF had the possibility to also (and only) use the currency exchange, but with fixed rates (or with average market rates from trade or something), so that SSF players can actually be happy to find a divine and trade it for useful crafting currency.

Last bumped on Aug 5, 2024, 7:27:52 PM
The currency exchange is player-to-player - the in-game system is just providing asynchronous mediation of those exchanges. So, the currency exchange really can't be available in SSF.

What SSF should get instead is a way to buy all the currencies from a vendor. Faustus can be that vendor, but there should be some way to buy e.g. glassblower's baubles again. I can see what that option would be removed in trade league with the currency exchange filling that cap, but there was no reason to remove those options from the vendors in SSF. If anything, they should have added more options of this type to one of the vendors, and that vendor should be accessible in our hideouts.
I AM READY. Nov. 15th, here we come!

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