Feeling pretty let down

I've only been playing PoE for 6+ months, I love this game! I am super excited for next season as well as PoE 2, that will be in beta testing very soon. However I am feeling pretty disappointed with the time it is taking to get the physical items from the core supporter packs. I bought the 2024 one when it was out, as well as the 2023 towards the end of the year. I have only received the art work from the 2023 pack and nothing else. I have tried talking with GGG support and only got a simple some things are on back order, but it's been like 6 months now and it's hard not to feel like I am getting scammed for those items.

What is going on with the T-shirts and Hoodies? Is someone making them by hand? I'm trying to stay hopeful but it's been so long.
Last bumped on Mar 12, 2024, 6:35:34 PM
Hi Sylenathus!

Could you please contact us at support@grindinggear.com, and we'll be able to provide you with some additional information.
Need help with anything? Feel free to contact us via support@grindinggear.com :)
I've messaged a few times asking what is happening, I received the same reply both times. it feels like I'm being brushed off as there is not solid answer given. The only thing said is sorry for any inconvenience, and that the supplier has a backlog. I can understand that you guys don't control the distribution, but 6 months feels a little overboard.
Same situation as you are. I'm not sure what is happening with the distributor. I have several emails to them back and forth and nothing made it significant up to this date. Is GGG serious on how the physical merch items should be addressed? I'm also disappointed and I'm considering if I should support again or not. I'm still hoping there will be a detailed information and fix this issue ASAP.
Last edited by bluejayz23 on Mar 12, 2024, 8:46:32 PM
BTW is there a FAQ somewhere for people, that have ordered physical merch?

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