2003947592 Witch Occultist Ascendancy Forbidden Power

The 6% increased damage per power charge is missing in my character info, charges tab.

However, the 4% increased spell damage from the small passive on the main tree shows after the AoE that Forbidden Power grants.

Power Charges 0/7
Power Charge duration modifier +55%
Critical Strike Chance modifier per power charge +50%
Area of effect radius modifier per power charge +6%
[Expected 6% damage from Forbidden Power missing here]
Spell damage modifier per power charge +4%

If I thought I knew the back end calculations well enough, I'd complain that I'm not seeing the damage output increase enough. But since I am pretty sure that total combined damage(upper end) going from 1521 to 1795 isn't anywhere what I'm expecting, I'll have to trust your pros handling this to sort out the calcs.

My gamer logic tells me if I'm not seeing it in the info file, I'm probably not feeling it with the actual damage outputs. Which would make far more sense considering my actual game play experience. While this ought to be giving me MoAr PoWeR! but all I get is "meh, I can get better elsewhere if I went with another meta", I hope I'm correct and the fix fixes this fiasco. (Fat suffices belongs to the shadow assassin)

If this is working "as intended", please please please denerf this. At the very least, get the character info file mechanics working properly. At least then it'll "feel" more like a wiffle ball bat instead of just a Nerf bat.

Thanks for enduring, strike that, powering through this verbose bug report.
Last bumped on Sep 30, 2023, 2:21:23 AM

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