[PS5] Custom Loot Filters Broken with patch 3.22.1b

Custom loot filters (created via Neversink's website filterblade.xyz) are not functioning on playstation after the latest patch.

Old filters appear to still be functioning for people as long as they don't update, but if filters are updated (or new ones created), they simply do not work. When selected in-game, all items will be shown as if there is no filter (this is the same behavior we see when new patches break the filters). Confirmed this is the case for several others as well.

Console is up to date with the same game patch as PC, and I spoke with the filterblade devs on their discord about this and they said there's nothing they can do since console does not generate in-game error logs for loot filters.

Can you please look into this? Thanks!!
Last bumped on Sep 17, 2023, 1:17:43 PM
That is odd. It seems to be working for me, and I just updated the filter earlier today, because some uniques were hidden in TOTA Hall (they still are, but no big deal). I get the sound and everything. Weird how it sometimes breaks for people, but not for others, when we all have the same system.
Pangaearocks wrote:
That is odd. It seems to be working for me, and I just updated the filter earlier today, because some uniques were hidden in TOTA Hall (they still are, but no big deal). I get the sound and everything. Weird how it sometimes breaks for people, but not for others, when we all have the same system.

I just copied your filter 'Neversink Very Strict' (last updated today) from your poe profile page - not even using the filterblade website, and it doesn't work for me. I load it in-game and there is no filter applied - all items showing.

You have the storage bug. It stops custom filters from working correctly, and eventually advances to your minimap resetting every time you change zones (e.g. if you leave a map and reenter, your minimap will be blank no matter how much you cleared before leaving).

The only known fix is to reinstall the game.
QQPQ wrote:
You have the storage bug. It stops custom filters from working correctly, and eventually advances to your minimap resetting every time you change zones (e.g. if you leave a map and reenter, your minimap will be blank no matter how much you cleared before leaving).

The only known fix is to reinstall the game.

Yes! This worked - thank you!! The minimap resetting was getting annoying as well :)

Not sure if it was just a coincidence then that the couple other people I talked to also had this bug, or if it really was the patch which caused more people to get it... I'll share with them, but I'm sure there are a lot more people experiencing this bug that won't know how to fix it.
I suppose it might be the patch, given that they re-arranged the structure of some data/textures. Glad you got it sorted tho, it sounded really annoying. Imagine playing POE without a filter, and not being able to see the ground for all the loot :D

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