Custom loot filter doesn't work

Everything was fine since the beginning of the league but yesterday when I launch the game, my custom loot filter was disable. After switching to an another filter and come back, it was working correctly. This morning was the same but this afternoon after the launch of the game, same problem but this time, impossible to make my custom loot filter working. An idea? A solution?
Last bumped on Sep 19, 2023, 10:42:06 PM
Ive had this happen a lot, sadly the only way i know how to fix is to reinstall the game.
Every single time a reinstall was done my filter worked, hope this helps
Thank you for your answer. I will try and pray it will work!
Edit : I tried to uninstall all my filters and create a new one for testing, I tried via filterblade and tried to modify directly via poe site. Nothing works. Reinstall will probably the only way to fix it, I hope...
Edit n°2 : Reinstall the game seems to solve the problem for the moment. Idk for how long...

Thanks a lot zenxander for your help and your time!
My custom filters also stopped working a few days ago. No updates were made to them. I just logged in and they didn't work. I'm on PS5 and clearing cache or rebuilding database didn't help either. This has happened before a year or two ago, and it seemed to resolve on its own.

Does reinstalling reset all your game settings? I really don't want to have to go through all that.
Hello. Reinstalling the game doesn't reset your settings and solve the problem for me. I hope it will be the same for you.
Had the same issue of custom loot filter not working after last patch.
Saw this thread and reinstalled as suggested.

Can confirm this worked for me also, Thanks for sharing!

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