Server response time to inputs is 10 seconds?

Hoping that this report goes better than my last one which was ignored at the last patch which broke cyclone

I cannot even play the game on my Xbox I must hold an input for several seconds for it to register. For instance when I do spawn into town I must hold toward the portal for ~5 seconds just for my character to take two steps and go back to standing still. Menus are the same. I've never had this issue before and I've not changed anything on my end
Last bumped on Aug 27, 2023, 9:52:54 PM

This sounds like a latency issue, which Gateway do you typically use and does the issue occur on other ones?
In my efforts to troubleshoot this I uninstalled/reinstalled the game, connected my xbox via cable to the modem and tried the London server (I assume my primary server is Washington DC). There were no improvements. understand even menu selections are very tedious as I must hold an input for 5-20 seconds for it to register

while I was typing this reply on a hunch I disconnected my second controller and it seems to have fixed it

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