Lucid Dreams bug?

im on Xbox and i allocated Lucid Dreams. i found a Vaal Side Area at lv68 or above but i can't find the prompt to use currency on it. besides the A button to enter i don't see a Y button on it to modify it. :/ can anyone else investigate this issue please? thanks.
Last bumped on Aug 27, 2023, 6:44:02 PM
I have also come across this bug, I am unable to craft on the Vaal side areas even after allocating Lucid Dreams. Just shows a white side area (uncorrupted) and no option to craft on it.
hopefully GGG sees this bug report and takes action. i really wanna get those ultimatum aspects or unique vaal side areas so bad! DX
Last edited by Destiny20209113 on Aug 26, 2023, 4:05:37 PM
Thanks for your reports, we have a fix for this in a future patch.

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