Fix the "prefix/suffix can't be changed" mod to work as written

The "prefix cannot be changed" and "suffix cannot be changed" should mean exactly what they mean. My biggest issue is the overwhelming amount of time that a mod gets added when I do a veiled chaos orb, causing an item to completely brick after spending 2 divine. This needs to be fixed. I'm not going to argue with people about this. "Change" is the same as adding or removing something. If I can't scour the mods, then I shouldn't be able to add mods if they are blocked. I'm tired of this "feature" being around. Fix it please.
Last edited by ekopalm on Aug 1, 2023, 5:25:44 PM
Last bumped on Aug 10, 2024, 7:03:31 PM
The prefix/suffix thats on the item at the time, cannot be changed. This doesn't apply to 1/3 or 2/3 mods. The craft is worded properly. You're interpreting it in a way thinking that the way you define it is correct.

The devs are correct regardless of how you feel about it.

The only problem I know of with them, is that aisling anull doesnt respect cannot roll attacks/caster.
Last edited by Lonnie455Rich on Aug 1, 2023, 6:32:42 PM
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
The prefix/suffix thats on the item at the time, cannot be changed. This doesn't apply to 1/3 or 2/3 mods. The craft is worded properly. You're interpreting it in a way thinking that the way you define it is correct.

The devs are correct regardless of how you feel about it.

The only problem I know of with them, is that aisling anull doesnt respect cannot roll attacks/caster.

[Removed by Support]

I still believe that if I can't remove mods, I shouldn't be able to add them. Even so, it shouldn't be nearly as common as it is. In fact, I'd argue that I get an additional suffix or prefix 100% of the time I perform this craft action, at least so far. It's bad design. I don't care how they decide to fix it; all that matters is that they fix it.
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Aug 1, 2023, 9:21:50 PM
While I don't agree with the hostility. "Prefixes can not be changed" is pretty straight forward. Adding something to an existing set is changing that set. Such as asking someone to not change your password, if they add a few extra numbers at the end then it is in-fact changing the password.

They should at least update the wording to "Current Prefixes are locked in place" or something to that effect. This leaves an understanding that things can be added.
They work as written. The game doesn't define an empty mod slot as a mod.
Fine, then it's paradoxical. If you add a mod then there is now a mod that can be argued as changed from not a mod or not existing.
Too much expensive mod, should cost 2 Exalt max for what it gives.
What would mr Siklic do if he was in this post?
Cantspel wrote:
While I don't agree with the hostility. "Prefixes can not be changed" is pretty straight forward. Adding something to an existing set is changing that set.

Except you're assuming all prefixes are a set. That's an unfounded assumption, and it makes perfect sense as is if each prefix is it's own entity. You cannot change any current entities in the prefix universe, but adding to it doesn't change any prefixes. Easy.
You have two cows in a field.

A wise old man tells you, "cows in that field can't be moved."

You add a cow to the field.

The statement told to you by the wise old man was, and is, accurate.
Last edited by ARealLifeCaribbeanPirate on Jan 4, 2024, 7:42:28 AM
Whether its worded "correctly" or not. This is prone to be interpreted in a manner that is incompatible with how it works. See topics like this - there have been many similar ones before that. So the wording should be changed to make it properly clear what it does.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!

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