Literally no APPEARANT harvest lifeforce duplication.

Hi there.

I rolled elevated sextant (maven one) with +1 sextant roll from atlass tree to a voidstone which states "Lifeforce droppe by harvest monsters is duplicated"

There were 0 visible currency duplication on the ground. I would assume the harvest curency duplication would happen visibly just as a map drop and drop two of the same pack of harvest lifeforce. However that might be incorrect and the drops could be added togethere. After checking the video every single harvest drops I have found was an EVEN NUMBER therefore I assume the duplication got added togethere and dropped as one stack as if two odd number adds togethere it will allways make an even one and so do even numbers.

In case that's not true I made a video and a bug report you guys might want to check out. Thanks.

/bug command bug number 3738159133
/debug command bug number 1453875803

Edit: can't directly upload a picture here so I guess I won't be sharing that one. You can see all the info in the video though.
Last edited by Teebeeborg on Jun 7, 2023, 7:12:24 PM
Last bumped on Jul 26, 2023, 4:18:09 AM
It just doubles numbers, you dont get second stack if thats what you wanted to report.

Works as intended.
"Fix it soon becaise beong locked out of my wealth and my character puts a hold on me trading and bartering to increase my wealth" - Nameless Forum Poster.

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