Text Spacing Bug - More Details

I had a strange scenario concerning the prevalent bug that messes with the text. Hoping this information could potentially shed some light into the apparently hard to quash issue.

The bug exists on my heist blueprint (when assigning heist members), but only at certain zoom levels. In the images shown, starting from zoomed out with no bug, zoomed in one click (of my mousewheel), with the bug, then zoomed in one more click, and it goes away again. This is repeatable as I continue to zoom in and out, with the bug existing at that zoom level, and one much further out.

/bug number is 4,012,553,428 (4012553428)

Last bumped on Dec 11, 2021, 11:19:07 AM
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PC Known Issues

Jumbled Text: Currently investigating; restarting the client should fix it in the meantime

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