
I'm in a krangled map that shifts into nightmare when bar is full and my bar filled in alva's side mission. I didnt shift there but was immediatly in nightmare when sent out. After shifting back it sent me to alvas side are with no timer and no way out.
Last bumped on Nov 2, 2021, 10:36:35 PM
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Just did another alva trying to repeat it but was not able to reproduce the same effect
I got the exact same error.

- Get a map with "nightmare when you fill the vessel"
- Start an Alva mission
- Finish it and instantly teleport to Nightmare (since blood vessel is full)
- After I got teleported back, I randomly got back into the Alva mission
- Here's a screenshot of me and not UI elements from Alva. I can't exit the mission.

To the original author: Please make the title more detailed "Stuck after shifting back to Alva mission from nightmare"
Last edited by Dan1lo on Nov 1, 2021, 7:24:10 PM
I can confirm this happens, specifically in the shift on reaching maximum blood, as soon as you leave the alva temple and have max blood it puts you into nightmare and when it ends (I ended mine manually) you get shifted back into the dead alva temple

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