Unexpected disconnect occur. All portal shutdown. (BIG ISSUE)

Just lost a beachhead map (tier 15) because an unexpected error occur forcing me back to title screen,coming back to hideout all portal were closed for some reason. (only 3 had been used)

This make little sense to me because ive had crash that force close the game but kept the portal and ive also had instance of going afk where i was forced back to title screen and yet my portal were still up.

I have no idea what you can do agaisnt this since this seem to be an issue that been plaguing pc for ages but a sort of safety where if all portal are closed outside of player death or using a portal the map is spawned back inside the device and you can pick it up of something.

At the price these cost and how hard they are to make this is a big issue even more so when it one of the selling point of your league.
Last bumped on Oct 20, 2023, 4:05:07 PM
I'm very angry with this game, i cant play 2weeks ago. only shutdowns everytime i was start to play. Anyone knows anything about this?

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